Page 103 of Knot Your Business

“I never bothered to follow up with any of it after I reported it to the Haven.” I shrug and trace the edge of the folder. “Anyway, I realized I’d rather risk the Council’s wrath than put up with heats like that one.”

Rylan nods and grabs my open hand, pressing a kiss to my palm before lacing our fingers together.

“Guess the Council really does know what they’re doing with the matches,” Jasper jokes, his voice lighter than I’ve heard since surfacing. I tilt my head, scrunching my nose in confusion. He answers my unvoiced question. “Dominic doesn’t want children, either. Rylan and I are more neutral about it. But you’ve known that about me for a long time.”

I have. Since he took me to the clinic when we were dating. I hadn’t even designated when it happened.

“Violet?” Rylan murmurs. “Do you want to file the annulment?”

I take a deep breath, looking at each of them, drinking them in, before focusing on the folder in my lap.

My voice is clear when I say, “No.”



Ican’t help the moan that rips up my throat as Rylan sets an overflowing plate in front of me at the island. Jasper’s the best cook I’ve ever met. If I hadn’t heard how he plays the cello, I’d think his talents had been wasted. The grilled cheese is loaded with tomatoes and bacon, and the simple salad looks perfect, too.

Rylan chuckles as I dig in, a small smirk playing across his lips. My body flushes, my scent flooding the kitchen. He tips his head back and laughs in earnest, his Adam’s apple moving in a way that has me wanting to crawl across the damn island to get to him.

Yeah, the crash from surfacing is definitely fading.

“It was practically impossible to feed you,” Dominic murmurs from where he stands beside Jasper at the stove. He’s leaning against the counter, his hands tucked in the pockets of his jeans.

I’m nearly positive I’ve never actually seen him in jeans. Slacks, yes. Tuxedo, yes. Sweats, absolutely. But jeans? It feels almost… sacrilegious. He looks away from Jasper and catches me staring. My cheeks heat as he cocks an eyebrow.

I clear my throat and focus on the food again, my stomach rumbling now that I’ve realized just how hungry I am.

“Jasper was the only one who managed,” Rylan agrees. “He’s also the only one you’d let touch your hair. And by the third day, he was the only one who could convince you to use mouthwash, too. Came in clutch there, for sure.”

He glances over at Jasper, a soft smile on his lips that lights up his whole face.

“And here he was thinking that first night that he wasn’t going to be able to help. Felt so fucking guilty.”

Jasper sighs and tips his head back. “Look, not my best moment, all right?”

Rylan nods, his face serious, but his voice is playful. “It’s all right. Blowjobs have a way of putting everything into perspective.”

My cheeks heat as the memory slams into me full force.

Jasper grins, looking over his shoulder at Rylan. “Practically a tradition at this point.”

Curiosity races through me. I want to ask, but my stomach rumbles again, my body making itself very loud in its unhappiness following the intensity of my heat. I start in on the second sandwich.

“Definitely will need another one, Tesoro,” Dominic murmurs, kissing Jasper’s shoulder. He looks at me, his gaze intense. “And your apology gift will be here Saturday.”

Something soft wells up in me. For the first time, I don’t try to ignore it or force it away.

“I don’t need one,” I say, my voice hoarse.

“You’re getting one regardless,” he says.

I offer a small nod and focus on the food, trying to not panic over the fucking whiplash that has happened since waking up in my nest. My mind spins out a bit, trying to reorient myself without becoming a crying wreck. Not matchless. Not alone.

I… I have a match that wants me. They’re not just tolerating me. Or waiting to wear me down into whatever they’ve imagined an Omega will be in their minds.

I chance a glance back toward Dominic, but he’s texting someone. Rylan runs a hand down my back as he crosses the room, opening the door to the front study that’s his music room. Jasper turns and grabs my plate, and his eyes soften as they meet mine. He dishes another sandwich onto the plate before turning off the burner and settling into the seat next to me.