Page 94 of Knot Your Business

I shake my head. “Her heat in September lasted five days. That was without any kind of augmentation. There’s no way she’ll be out of it by Wednesday.”

Jasper sighs and swallows. Dominic runs a hand up his side before kissing his shoulder.

“I guess I’ll file the annulment on her behalf tomorrow. I…” He swallows again. His voice is so full of sorrow, my chest aches. “I think I’m allowed to do that if I can provide proof she’s in heat.”

I glance at Dominic just in time to see his jaw tighten, a muscle feathering in his neck.

“Come eat, Tesoro,” he says, grabbing Jasper’s hand and guiding him to the dining table we hardly ever use. I set the sound monitor on the counter before grabbing his forgotten plate and following them both, settling into the other seat beside Jasper.

“I’m sorry, Jasper,” Dominic says, his voice low and grave. “I made you a promise, and I broke it.”

Jasper tilts his head back, his hands slack in his lap. I leave Dominic to his explanation, keeping my eyes off my lover. I’m exhausted, and Dominic and I already dance around each other when the dynamics between the three of us are testy.

My lip aches where the asshat split it open last night. God knows Dominic’d be able to do that much and worse with a single fucking hit. And, realistically, I don’t have time for him to lay me out right now. Violet’s only been averaging three hours between waves, and we’re already at hour two. Though maybe me making her wake up just enough to maintain baseline hygiene will be enough to extend the gap this round.

My phone vibrates, and I pull it from my sweats.

A text from Huntley is not what I’m expecting.

Hey, heard from Liz that Violet’s in heat. You guys need anything?

How in the fuck does Liz know that Violet’s gone into heat?

A new series of messages from Liz light up my screen, and I swear to God these women are telepathic or some shit.

Jasper told me Violet went into heat last night. Said it wasn’t expected?

You guys need anything? She have everything she needs in her nest?

Riley says he can help if you guys need a last minute extension from the Council in case you didn’t get a chance to sign the paperwork.

The guys made it a whole day for me, so totally get if you hadn’t gotten to it yet.

I text Huntley back first.

Aren’t you supposed to be soaking up the sun in Colorado right now doing that backpack thing?

Doesn’t mean I can’t check in with my friends. It’s 2024. I even get service in the backwoods of the Rocky Mountains now.

We’re good. Don’t fall off the mountain.

Wouldn’t dream of it. I’d never leave you to the whims of George.

I shake my head and blow out a breath. George isn’t all that bad, all things considered. He’s just newly graduated and still needs to figure out how to blend with the rest of the orchestra. I’m sure next year, he’ll be great.

I send a single text to Liz. Anything more, and she’ll end up calling me. I glance at the time.

And there’s absolutely no way I have time to field one of her calls right now.

We’re good so far. I’ll have Jasper text you if it changes.

“Rylan?” Jasper’s whisper grabs my attention. “What do you think?”

His eyes are on me, the tears lining his lashes making them glassy and emphasizing how tired he seems. His hands tremble on the table, his burrito all but forgotten on his plate. I grab a piece of egg and offer it to him, not answering him until he’s taken it from me.

“What do I think about what?” I ask. “The girls were texting. Sorry.”

“You think she’ll actually entertain Dominic apologizing?”