My lover nods once and shoves his hands into his pockets. “Whatever you need.”
They stand in the middle of the hallway, Jasper’s attention split between eyeing the event and the three of us. The elevator opens, and a formidable man in a black security uniform steps out, his blue eyes cold and calculating.
I start across the hotel, Rylan keeping pace. Jasper grabs my elbow before I can pass him, his eyes sad as he looks at me and then Violet. He palms her cheek, and she writhes under the touch.
“Please,” she begs in a broken whisper. “It hurts.”
Johnathan’s look is shattered again as we pass him, his hands clenched at his sides.
“I know, pretty Omega,” Rylan murmurs. “Give us just a few more minutes, and we’ll make it better.”
The elevator is even more tense than on the way to the event, but I have to admit the man has a spine of steel. His hands don’t shake, his mouth doesn’t quiver, his eyes don’t betray any fear at all. It helps keep all the possessive, territorial bullshit festering because of her perfuming from becoming unmanageable.
“This way,” he says the moment the doors open. “They have the hallway blocked off to keep others from crossing your path.”
The night is warm as we step onto the sidewalk outside the side entrance of the hotel. The blast of fresh air helps dull the ache in my body from Violet’s heat-soaked scent. The car is pulled to the curb, the engine already running and the keys tucked into the middle console. The security guard doesn’t utter a word before ducking back into the building.
Rylan opens the back door. Before I can slide into the seat, Violet writhes against me, dropping the jacket to the ground.
“I… I can’t hold it back anymore,” she says, her voice breaking. “It fucking burns.”
Her eyes glaze over as she shivers. Her scent doubles in strength, the core of it calling to me, and I force a swallow to keep from pouncing on her. My hands spasm and dig into her skin, and she whines.
“You… you don’t want this,” she mutters, trying to twist out of my hold.
Rylan runs his arms parallel to my own. “I’ve got you, Omega,” he murmurs.
She leans into him, her body shaking with a sob. I don’t lessen my grip, the need to have her too great. Not that I’m really fighting it. Rylan looks across her to me, his question burning hot between us, and I offer a single, small nod.
“You sure?” he asks.
I give him the look that question deserves. He’s not usually quite so dense. But then I notice the sweat on his forehead, the tight line of his jaw as he clenches his teeth, the careful stillness of his body that is almost never actually calm.
He’s holding it together by a fucking thread.
“Mi dispiace,” I murmur. “Sí, sono sicuro, amico.”
“I’m assuming that’s you doubling down that you’re sure. Pretty sure I heard a yes in there somewhere,” he mutters, letting his arms drop to his sides.
Violet cries out, trying to follow him. I palm her cheek, forcing her to look at me as I settle into the back seat of the Alfa Romeo. Rylan closes the door and then slips into the driver seat, letting his hand brush across her cheek before throwing the car into gear and guiding it onto the streets.
“Va tutto bene, Omega.”
I push so much comfort into the words, she collapses against me with a gasp, her eyes fluttering shut. Not even a full heartbeat later, she’s moving to straddle my hips as her hands scrabble at my belt and slacks. I shrug off my suit jacket and undo the top couple buttons of my shirt before rolling up the sleeves.
By the time the lights of the skyscrapers start to fade into the background, Violet’s whining, her hands slipping with her growing desperation.
“Please,” she begs. “Make it stop.”
I ease her hands away, undoing my zipper and dropping my slacks low enough that my cock slips free into the small space between our bodies. She whines again, the sound full of an excitement that feels foreign to me, my entire focus on not losing my fucking control and accidentally dropping into a rut. She signed the annulment. She’s leaving. The last thing that can happen is I bond with her during this mess of a heat and force her into staying.
She pushes up on her knees. She palms my dick, lining the head up with her cunt, and slams down on me, not easing into it or going slowly in case she’s sore from me being an asshole yesterday.
Her head falls back on a desperate moan, her muscles clenching around my cock. I grunt, grabbing her thighs to keep from fucking up into her quite yet.
Suppose she’s ready enough, then.
Slick drenches her thighs. It occurs to me she hadn’t had to move her panties so she could fuck me. Rylan’s comment from earlier pushes through the building haze.