“Will you still marry me, Kingsley Hunt?”

“Yes,” she whimpers as a tear sneaks down her cheek. “Now, I’m going to cry again.”

“As long as they’re happy tears.” I get up and take the ring from the box. I push it onto her ring finger, then take hold of her chin. Lifting her face to mine, I press a tender kiss to her mouth. “Thank you for making me the happiest man on earth, Hunt.”Chapter 9Ten years later.FalconThe second I have their seat belts off, Fallon and Forest dart out of the car and run toward their grandfather.

Dad chuckles as he scoops them up in a hug then puts them down so they can go play with the other kids.

I pull the bag out of the car and toss it over my shoulder then wait for Layla to join me so I can take her hand.

As we walk to the porch, Layla comments, “It sounds like a warzone.”

“I wouldn’t expect anything less with fifteen kids in the back yard.” When we reach Dad, I shake his hand.

“Hey, Dad,” Layla says as she hugs him.

“You are really brave or old age has finally set in,” I tease him, which earns me a glare from Layla.

“Old age, my foot,” Dad huffs. “What’s wrong with my giving Daniele a party for her eighteenth birthday?”

“Nothing. All jokes aside, it’s really nice of you to throw Danny a party.”

Layla pulls her hand free from mine and asks, “Where’s Mom?”

“Last time I checked, she was in the kitchen cutting up some watermelon for the little ones,” Dad answers.

My dad and Stephanie got married a year after Layla and me. We just celebrated our eight-year anniversary.

The thought brings a smile to my face. Layla’s added so much color to my life over the years that it’s hard to remember the time before she came into my life.

“Finally,” Mason snaps when he sees me. “Why are you always last to arrive?”

“Because I have two kids who can’t decide what they want to wear,” I answer.

Mason lets out a chuckle, and we give each other a brotherly hug before he says, “Luckily, I don’t have that problem.

“Where’s Lake?”

Mason jabs a thumb over his shoulder in the direction of the backyard. “He’s in the pool with the kids.”

“I’m just going to greet Stephanie, then I’ll come out back,” I say. Popping into the kitchen, I smile widely when I see Stephanie pouring two glasses of wine. “Liquid courage.”

“If Layla didn’t stop me, I’d be drinking straight from the bottle right now,” Stephanie jokes.

I give her a kiss on the cheek and ask, “Is it that bad?”

She nods as she takes a sip of her wine, but then says, “You know I’m only joking, right? I love having everyone over.”

“I should head outside. The two of you better not finish that bottle off.”

“We can’t make any promises,” Layla teases as I walk out of the kitchen. When I step out into the backyard, it seriously looks like all hell broke loose.

“Hana, look who’s here,” Mrs. Cutler yells while she points at me. Lake and Lee’s little girl drops the doll she’s playing with, and her head whips in my direction.

“Uncle Falcon!” she shrieks. I crouch down as she runs to me and wrap her up in a tight embrace.

“Hey, munchkin.”

She worms herself out of my arms then looks over my shoulder toward the house. “Where’s Aunty Layla?”

“In the kitchen. Why don’t you run inside and go tell her to come out?”

Hana nods so hard it makes her dark brown curls bounce, and then she dashes off like a lightning bolt.

“Daddy!” I hear Forest yelling, and then I spot him where he’s sitting with Fallon. “Fallon won’t let me play with them.”

Fallon lives for her playdates with Jade, Mila, and Hana. Rhett, Logan, Lake, and I struck gold having daughters the same age. The four girls will be starting school together this year.

“Hi, Uncle Falcon,” Hunter suddenly says next to me.

“Hey.” I smile wide at Mason’s eldest as we fist bump.

“Don’t worry, I’ll tell Forest to swim with me, so he doesn’t bother the girls,” Hunter offers.

“I owe you one.” The kid is the spitting image of Mason, but he has Kingsley’s blue eyes. Hunter is also as broody as Mason.

I walk to where Carter is sitting between his boys, Christopher and Tristan, and sink down in the nearest open chair.

Glancing around the group of men, I ask, “How’s everyone?”

Rhett holds up a beer. “I’m good.”

“Yeah, I need one of those.” I’m just about to get up when Mason hands me one before he goes to sit with Rhett. They’ve become good friends over the years.

Actually, when we all started having kids, the two groups of friends naturally became one.

An arm falls around my shoulder and glancing up, I’m met with Jase’s lazy grin. My nephew is as laid back as they come.