Page 6 of Charm School

Because even though Hazel had taken down her original artwork, all the furnishings in their cheery shades of green and blue and yellow remained, and she’d made sure that the canvas prints she’d hung to replace her art still worked beautifully in the space.

“I think it’s the cutest place I’ve ever seen,” Chloe declared. She’d been carrying an oversized weekender bag in addition to her fringed purse, and she set it down now on the flowered rug as she glanced around the living room. “It’s obvious she chose everything in here carefully. Why doesn’t she live here instead of renting it out?”

“She got married a while back to a man who owns a ranch outside town,” I explained. “So she decided to keep the cottage as an income property rather than sell it.”

I stopped there, though — there wasn’t any point in telling my half-sister that long ago, this house had also belonged to my friend Archie, way back in the 1950s before a vengeful witch turned him into a cat for daring to spurn her advances. The curse had been broken thanks to Archie falling in love with Victoria Parrish, but while I guessed that Chloe would meet Archie and Victoria eventually, there was no way in the world I’d divulge those secrets without getting my friends’ express permission.

“That makes sense,” Chloe said, and I was relieved she didn’t seem inclined to ask any further questions on the subject.

“Well, then,” I went on, “now that we’ve got a place for you to stay, Calvin and I were hoping you’d come to the house for dinner tonight. I’ve got a big batch of chili going, and I’ll make cornbread muffins.”

Not for the first time, my half-sister’s gaze went to my rounded belly. It seemed clear to me that she didn’t think I should be doing much of anything except ordering takeout at this point.

However, she seemed to realize that commenting on my advanced pregnancy wouldn’t be very diplomatic, because she only said, “All that sounds great. My schedule’s been kind of weird lately, so I’ve been eating a lot of takeout. A home-cooked meal would be fab…as long as it’s not too much trouble.”

“It isn’t,” I assured her. “And since our gravel road can be kind of rough for regular cars, I can drive you and then have Calvin bring you back here.”

“Are you sure?” Chloe returned, looking dubious. “I don’t want to be an inconvenience, especially with showing up out of the blue like this.”

“You’re not an inconvenience,” I assured her. Then, keeping my tone gentle, I added, “Is there anything you want to tell me about why you’re here?”

Because for all I knew, she’d argued with her parents and had decided it seemed better to get out of town and be around someone who still technically counted as family, even if I’d never been a part of her life before now.

Her chin went up, and I could practically see her jaw harden with resolve.

“Yes,” she said. “There is something else. I know I have gifts, but I don’t really know what to do with them.”

A pause, and then she spoke again.

“I want you to teach me how to be a witch.”

Chapter 3


“You want me to what?” I blurted, startled enough by my half-sister’s declaration that I wasn’t overly concerned about how tactful my response might have sounded.

However, she didn’t seem upset by my shocked tone, and repeated patiently, “I want you to teach me how to be a witch. You worked for years as a psychic in L.A., and it’s obvious you’re still being all witchy here with that shop of yours. I feel like there’s so much more I could do if I only had someone to show me the ropes.”

Because her expression was so hopeful, I knew I could never respond with a flat denial, even as one part of my brain thought it took a lot of guts to make such a request of a woman who clearly was about to give birth any day now and might have had a few more important things to occupy her time.

So I pulled in a breath and said, “Chloe, I’m not sure if that’s the sort of thing you can really teach someone. It’s not as if I had anyone to help me. I just sort of found my own path.”

She crossed her arms and her lips compressed slightly. But to my relief, she sounded calm enough as she replied, “I’ve read lots about witchcraft, and it sounds as if people either learn from their family members or find a coven to work with. It’s not as though they know all this stuff out of the blue.”

“Some people seek out help and guidance from others,” I agreed. “Everyone’s route to the source is different, though. For me, I didn’t have anyone like that. I just read books and did my best to find my way. Maybe your talents need something else. All I’m saying is that I’m not sure I’m the right person to teach you…especially with everything I have going on in my life.”

Her head drooped a little. “I get it,” she said. “Honestly, if I’d known you were about to have a baby, I would never have come here and bugged you. But now….” The words trailed off, and she uncrossed her arms and instead planted her hands on her hips. “Now, I don’t know what I should do. I really don’t want to be in Northridge.”

Well, I could understand that. There came a time in almost everyone’s life when they had to decide whether to continue with the status quo or whether it was time to forge a new path, whatever that might turn out to be. I’d had that decision thrust on me after learning Lucien Dumond was hot on my trail, and it seemed the same sort of turning point had presented itself to Chloe, even if she wasn’t quite ready to tell me what that turning point was.

“I’m not saying you need to go back to California,” I replied. “You can stay here for as long as you need to.”

She glanced around the living room with its whimsical floral sofa and lighthearted color scheme, and again something about her seemed to droop. “It’s really cute,” she said. “But I don’t think I could afford this place for more than a couple of days.”

Did she really think I was going to ask her to pay for the Airbnb when it had been my idea for her to stay here?

Apparently so, or she wouldn’t be looking so disconsolate.