Page 13 of Collide

Cooper nodded, not sure if Noah was even looking at him. He appreciated the hell out of his friend’s honesty. “Different strokes, I guess,” Coop told him.

Noah was quiet for a few minutes. Even though Coop’s eyes were on the road, he knew Noah was looking at him. He didn’t know why he was asking if Noah had been with women. The only way he could describe it, was that they were friends, and he wanted to try and understand him.

But then…that wasn’t right either. He’d been irritated when Noah spoke with Jules tonight. Probably because he was worried about her getting hurt. What else could it be?

Finally Noah replied, “Yeah…different strokes.”


It had been three weeks since their night at the bar. Noah’s ribs hardly ever hurt now, so he’d spent a bunch of time working on his car. He finally got the thing going. Now, he had to hope the damn thing kept running.

“I’m gonna go grab some more wood.” Noah picked up his T-shirt from where he’d tossed it on one of the posts, and wiped the sweat from his forehead. They had their priorities straight, and decided to build the deck out back before working on anything inside the house. It would be perfect for barbequing. Who needed an updated inside when you could be outdoors?

“Need any help?” Coop looked over at him and rubbed a hand over his short hair. God damn, he’d grown up nice. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t, not notice Coop. Strong, sexy, and cocky always drew his eye. His jeans rode low on his hips and Noah wished like hell Cooper was gay, so he had even the slightest chance to be able to lick the “v” that disappeared below his jeans. To unzip his pants and let his tongue trace Cooper’s dick.

Stop it. Stop those fucking thoughts right there, man. This was the first real friend he ever had, and probably the best one. Thoughts like that would screw everything up. Only they’d been happening more and more… And, he could have sworn Cooper knew Noah couldn’t help but look at him, and he didn’t seem to mind it.

In your dreams, man.

“Nah, I’m good. I got it.” He threw the shirt back down before heading over to the shed that held all their supplies for the deck. Noah grabbed a heavy load, maneuvering the long boards around the door before heading around back again.

Noah dropped them to the ground beside Cooper.

“We’re getting it knocked out pretty fast.”

“Sure are.” Noah handed him one of the pieces of wood and they laid it on the frame. It was another hot day today, the sun beating down on them.

“We should plant some more trees back here. And I can put us up a patio cover in a few hours.” As soon as the words left Noah’s mouth, he started to backtrack. “A cover for you, I mean.” Even though he’d been here for a month now, this wasn’t his place. Sure he was renting a room from Coop, but that wouldn’t last forever. He wasn’t sure why he’d said that. He’d always just kind of felt comfortable with Cooper. From the first time they collided jumping for that football, he’d felt a connection with his friend.

“You live here, don’t ya?” Cooper replied, as he laid out another board.

“I do, but that doesn’t make it my house.”

“It’s not like I don’t have the room, man. And you’re putting in the work too. You’ll be here enjoying it.”

Noah could tell by the tone of his voice what he was doing. “Still doesn’t make it my house. Now stop trying to argue with me, just to hear yourself speak.”

Laughing, Cooper picked up the electric screwdriver and put a few screws into place.

It took them another hour and a half to get the rest of the boards laid out. They were quiet some of the time, and talked about random shit the rest of it.

“I think that’s good for today.” Cooper leaned against the deck.

“Too old to keep going?” Noah teased. It was early evening already but he liked any excuse he could find to give his friend shit.

“Fuck off.” Coop shoved Noah’s arm and smiled. “I’m going easy on you.”

“Easy isn’t the last way I like it,” Noah winked at him. Ah, hell. Why did he keep getting himself into trouble where Cooper was concerned? Coop’s eyes held a flash of surprise, and Noah almost apologized again, but this time, he let it go. “I’m gonna head inside.”

He began to walk past Cooper when Coop reached out and grabbed his arm. Damned if he didn’t like that rough, calloused hand on him a little too much.

He didn’t let go when Noah stopped moving.

“It’s cooling off. Why don’t we relax out here for a while with a beer or something? I think we deserve it, after how we both worked our asses off today.”

Even though Noah had been the one to say he was going inside, he didn’t want to. All he’d wanted to do was avoid any chance of awkwardness there could be, between them. And to get his head on straight after the way he’d been eyeing Coop all day.

But a beer sounded nice. There was nothing wrong with having a drink with a friend on a warm summer night.