Page 85 of The Devils' Darling

The moment the drone distracts Paxton, I drop the controller. I rush toward him as Kirill takes Mack to the ground. Paxton is fast, though. He drops, rolls, and faces me. He has a gun held with both hands, and he pulls the trigger.

The crack of the gunshot is so loud it hurts my ears, and I feel the movement of air beside my cheek as the bullet passes dangerously close.

He misses, though, clearly not used to handling a gun, so he doesn’t calibrate for the kick-back of the weapon when it fires.

Tino pulls his own gun from the waistband of his jeans and fires at Paxton, but he somehow misses, too. Fucking hell. That’s not like him. But then I realize just how hurt he was in the blast. He’s been pushing through for Mackenzie’s sake, but he’s barely standing.

Paxton goes to shoot again, but I’m already on top of him. I stomp on Paxton’s wrist, forcing his hand to open, and kick the weapon out of his grip. It lands several yards away. He screams, his hand curling in on itself.

I draw the knife I had stashed in my waistband, covered by my t-shirt.

I straddle him, my knees on his arms as he howls in outrage. He kicks and tries to throw me off, but I stay on him, riding him as if he’s a bucking bronco. I raise my arm and bring the blade of the knife down hard into his shoulder. Metal punctures skin and flesh. He screams again, in agony, as I pull the blade free, and then stab his side, into his ribs.

I could kill him instantly by putting this blade straight through his heart, but I want this fucker to suffer.

Climbing off him, I turn to Tino. “Want a turn?”

He shakes his head, and I shrug and raise the knife again.

Kirill stands, his arm around Mackenzie.

I pause and look over at her. I’m aware I must look crazy. Knife in hand, sweating, blood all over me, but I want her permission.

In this moment, it’s her decision whether this fucker lives or dies. If he lives, he’ll be spending the rest of his life in a cell, but he will always be a danger to her, and I’d much rather he die. Even if I don’t end him right now, I’m pretty sure my father will. The man has injured and killed some of our staff. No way will he be allowed to live.

No, he’s ending up in a grave one way or another, but it’s up to Mackenzie if I put him there.

It’s not as if the police will go overboard looking for him, either. We can see to that.

She walks over to me and stares down at the professor.

“You know you said you were going to fuck me in every orifice until I bled? Well, now I’m going to let Dom make you bleed. I hope he takes his time and treats you like a pincushion. You’re a sick man.”

“Do you want to watch, my Duchess?” I ask her with a smile.

“No.” She shakes her head. “I want to go and sit down. I’m dizzy.”

“Come on.” Kirill takes her hand and leads her away.

I raise the knife and bring it back down, relishing Paxton’s bloodcurdling screams.

My mind goes far away as I stab him repeatedly and, eventually, a weight on my shoulder stops me. “He’s gone, Dom. It’s over.”

I glance over my shoulder to see Tino with his hand on me.

“Come on. Let’s get the wet work crew in,” he says. “Call your dad. He can sort it.”

I stand, shaky as fuck now that the adrenaline is wearing off.

“Where’s Duchess?” I say.

“She’s safe. She’s with Kirill. Are you okay?” Tino looks worried.

“You’re asking me? You’re the one who declined to take a turn.” I jerk my chin at the blood-covered, pulpy mess that is all that’s left of Paxton. Christ, I really did lose it.

“I can’t focus properly. My eyesight is blurry,” Tino says.

Worry flickers through me. What the hell?