Page 62 of The Devils' Darling

“Yes, together. We love each other. It’s not just a fling. We’re serious about each other.”

I can literally see her brain trying to compute how that works.

“So…are the boys together, too?” she asks.

I shake my head. “No, not like that. They’re friends, but they do love each other. Just more in a brotherly kind of way.”

I’m not sure mentioning brothers is the right way to go, but I’m not sure how else to explain it.

“Domenic is going to be your brother.”

I sigh and try not to roll my eyes. “Hardly. We’re both adults, and you and Nataniele aren’t even married yet.”

She clenches her teeth. “We would have been.”

She’s got no standing on that. Maybe the Devils ruined the wedding, but they were only able to do that because of the actions she took.

“And we still will be,” she adds.

“That’s not my problem, Mom.”

Her jaw drops at my dismissal. “Think about Nataniele! How’s this going to look for him? His son sleeping with his stepsister, and her being shared around by his friends.” She pauses and shakes her head. “Christ, Mackenzie. Can you even hear how that sounds? I’ve never wanted to repress your sexuality growing up, but I thought I’d taught you right from wrong.”

I stare at her, anger bubbling inside me. “Can you even hear yourself? Right from wrong? This coming from the woman who ordered my dad’s murder? And as for Nataniele—I couldn’t give a flying fuck what he thinks. I don’t owe him anything.”

“Yes, you do. You owe him your life here. What would we have done if we hadn’t had him to clear up your mess?”

“Well, I’d have known Paxton was alive a lot sooner than I did, that’s for sure. I wouldn’t have woken up every morning believing I’d killed a man.”

Of course, now I actually have killed a man—Kirill’s father—but she doesn’t know that.

She shakes her head. “It’s like you’re just out looking for trouble, Mackenzie. First with the professor, and now these men…”

“What are you saying? That I’m asking for it? Is that it? That I’ve brought this upon myself? That’s not very fucking P.C. of you, is it, Mom?”

“You can watch your language when you’re talking to me. I don’t appreciate being sworn at.”

I suppress an eye roll. “I’m not swearing at you. And I’m not going to stop my relationships with any of them, either, so you can get that thought out of your head. I love them, and they love me.”

She scoffs. “They’re just saying what you want to hear so they can get into your panties.”

The words hit hard, and she’s making me feel cheap, but I don’t let them take hold and sink deep because I don’t believe that for one second. She has no idea how difficult it is for any of them to admit they have feelings for another person. They’d never say they loved someone if they didn’t mean it. They each had walls built so high, I never thought someone could get over them, but I have. They’ve let me in, and I refuse to believe it’s all just an act.

I’m resolute. “You’re wrong. We have something special.”

She drags her hand through her hair and then covers her face, shaking her head. “My God, I thought your time with Professor Kassell might have taught you to be a little more suspicious of men, but instead it’s like you’ve become even dumber.”

How can she say that? I understand that I’ve dropped a true bombshell on her, but sometimes she says the most hurtful things. She’s been worse since she’s been with Nataniele, as if some of him is rubbing off on her.

Tears fill my eyes. “I’m not dumb, Mom.”

“Well, it most likely won’t be your choice, anyway. There’s no way Nataniele is going to allow this kind of thing going on beneath his roof.”

I fold my arms across my chest. “Then we’ll leave.”

She scoffs. “And go where? You’re just kids.”

“No, we’re not. We’re all in our twenties. We’re adults, and we can do as we please.”