Page 42 of The Devils' Darling

“Yes, sir,” Leon says.

“Duchess, you sure you don’t want to go with Kirill? This is about to get nasty.”

Tino gives me the option of leaving again, but I shake my head. Resolute.

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” I say.

“What did they do to you?” Dom asks once we have the room.

Tino has a gun trained on the men, and Dom and I are watching the three of them.

“They made us—” I stop and swallow, and then try again. “They watched Kirill and me together. They … they … that one, he masturbated on us.” I point to Pale-Eyes. “But he’s the worst,” I spit as I point at Grigoriy. “He’s sick. He touched me. Made me do things. He showed me that disgusting thing between his legs and said he was going to make me suck it.”

I hadn’t realized I had started to cry until the dampness tickles my cheeks.

I wipe them away. He deserves only my anger, not my sorrow.

“You like forcing people?” Dom says to Grigoriy. “Like to watch?”

He looks at Tino.

“My friend here likes to watch, too, don’t you, Tino?”

Tino nods and pulls his phone out of his pocket. “Yeah. I like to film it, too.”

“Can you imagine one of your little movies, starring the head of the Stepanov Bratva with his men?”

Grigoriy snarls. “You fucking sick pieces of shit.”

He tries to struggle but Tino’s guy punches him in the gut, and Grigory doubles over.

“Takes one to know one.” Dom shrugs.

He takes out a small but sharp-looking serrated knife and walks to Igor. “I am giving you two options. I cut your balls off, or you go over there to your boss and pull his pants down.”

“What?” Igor’s face is a picture of disgust.

“Pull his pants down and suck his cock until it’s hard.”

“It won’t get hard because I am not fucking gay, you fucking piece of human trash,” Grigoriy screams.

“Let’s see, why don’t we?”

Igor shakes his head, and Dom cuts a big, jagged tear in his trousers right by where his package is. Igor lets out a strangled cry.

“Next time, I’ll slash at your cock the way I did your pants. I mean you could end up bleeding to death from your cock, or … you just give your boss a blow job and then we let you go. You’re not the one we want. He is.”

Igor swallows and stares at Grigoriy. He won’t do it. He’s too scared. Too terrified of Grigoriy. As if he realizes this, Dom slashes Igor’s thigh, making him scream in terror, and then stabs it right into his underwear. Igor wails, and it’s inhuman. Blood starts to ooze around the knife, and I have no idea exactly what part of his anatomy was hit.

“Best leave that in there because if I pull it out you might bleed to death, and your balls might empty their contents all over the floor, and no one needs to see that.” Dom sneers.

Pale-Eyes retches.

Dom turns to him, his eyes blazing. “Guess it’s your turn to find out whether you want to suck your boss’s cock and leave alive, or bleed out here.”

“I’ll d-d-do it,” Pale-Eyes stammers. “You’re going to kill him, right?”

“Oh, yes. Painfully.”