Page 40 of The Devils' Darling

I know how much Kirill hates this son of a bitch. If anyone’s going to shoot him, it’ll be my fellow Devil.

With them dealt with, I turn my attention back to Mackenzie.

The seizure seems to be easing off now, and I'm relieved it seems to be a small attack.

I glance over at Kirill, who is simply staring, his eyes almost blank, and his face as pale as death.

“How long since she's eaten or had a drink?” I demand.

He doesn't answer. He merely shakes his head, and I'm shocked when tears fill his eyes, and then, like a waterfall, spill over and stream silently down his face. Shit, he looks completely broken. What the hell happened in this basement?

I remember Kenzie’s mother saying it was important to keep her quiet, warm, and calm after a seizure. I can’t help with the first or last one, but I can sure keep her warm. I pull my sweatshirt over my head and place it on her, covering her bare arms. Dom takes off his t-shirt, leaving him bare-chested, and now that the seizure has subsided, he gently lifts her head and places it underneath, cushioning her.

“I want that fucker kept alive.” I point to Grigoriy, who Leon has now pulled to his feet.

Leon pulls a zip tie from his utility belt and quickly fastens Grigoriy’s wrists behind his back before pushing him to his knees. Then he stoops and binds Grigoriy’s ankles, ensuring he can’t run.

“Igor, too,” Dom says. “Tie him up as well. He’s been involved with all Grigoriy’s plans for years.”

I nod. “The other one is still alive, but I don’t think he’s going to cause us harm any time soon.”

The man in question has covered the bullet hole with his hand, applying pressure. He regards me with strange, pale eyes, and, even though he must be in a huge amount of pain, his lips curl in a sneer.

I don’t know what his involvement was in all of this, but he’s looking at me as though he knows something I don’t.

A small voice comes from the corner of the basement, and I suddenly remember the priest. He’d managed to tuck himself away while all the fighting was happening and has come out of it unscathed.

“I was made to come here. I beg you, don’t shoot me.” The priest makes the sign of the cross.

“No one is shooting you, Priest,” I say.

People are going to die today, but it won’t be a man of the cloth.

Chapter 15


I groan and sit up, strong hands helping me.

My head is pounding, but I’m okay. The seizure was a small one. In fact—and I feel guilty thinking this when I look at the frightened faces around me—it was almost a blessing that it happened. It was a mere blink of an eye compared to most of my seizures, but it was enough that it created a distraction.

It worked. Grigoriy, Igor, and Pale-Eyes are on their knees for us.

I don’t merely want to kill Grigoriy Stepanov, I want to make him fucking suffer. I want to make him pay. He ruined Kirill, if the ghost of a man in front of me is anything to go by.

“I think we need to get you to a doctor,” Dom says to me.

“I’m okay, really. I’ve had way worse.”

“Your mom said you need to be kept quiet after.”

“I’m okay, Dom, truly.” Then, because I’m so happy he’s here, I throw my arms around him and hug him.

One of the soldiers addresses Tino. “She seems awfully keen on your friend.” He juts his chin out at us hugging.

“They’re family, Leon,” Tino says smoothly.

The three captives are hauled to their feet and pushed to the far wall.