Page 100 of The Devils' Darling

I stare at him, not quite comprehending what he’s saying. Does he mean he wants me and Mackenzie to move in here with him? I glance at Kirill and Tino. I don’t think they’ll go for that.

He continues, “There are rooms up in the attic where I can quite comfortably live. I already have a study up there, lots of my papers and books are there. It won’t be a hardship to have the rooms nearby turned into a bedroom and living area for me.” His expression grows serious. “These rooms are nothing but spaces full of sad memories for me now. First your mother, Dom, then Lucia. They need new life, and you will literally be giving them that. The four of you should have enough space.”

I can’t speak. For the first time in my life, I’m struck totally silent. This is beyond anything I had imagined. I’d thought he’d fight us on this and eventually, grudgingly, give in. The fact he’s offering his space to us is amazing.

A strangled sob comes from my side, and I turn to see Mackenzie wiping her eyes.

“Oh, my God, Nataniele. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” She goes in for another hug, and this time my father returns it a little less awkwardly. “You’re going to make the best grandfather.”

He groans. “Oh, my God, please. That makes me feel ancient.”

She giggles, and soon we’re all laughing.

This is the best birthday present I could have asked for.

Chapter 45


I haven’t seen the guys properly in the last couple of days, and I am starting to wonder what is going on. I told them about the baby, and they seemed happy, but now they’ve been avoiding me. I tried to question Tino yesterday about this new distance, and he was all cagey.

Their absence is making me sick and panicky. I’ve already lost both my parents. The idea of bringing up a baby alone in this world is too terrifying to contemplate.

I check my phone for the gazillionth time, but there’s nothing. No text, no calls. They haven’t even come around to see me, and it’s not like they don’t know where my room is. Have they been talking behind my back, making different plans than the one they said to my face? Maybe I should take things into my own hands and track them down and demand to know what the fuck they’re playing at, but my insecurities have raised their heads with full force.

The truth is that I’m petrified of hearing what they might say.

Staring at the ceiling, I try not to cry. When Nataniele offered us his living quarters, it seemed as if everything was going to be all right for once. I dared to hope … to dream. I should have known better. Life has never been kind to me, so why would it start now?

Hand on my currently non-existent bump, I talk to the baby. “I need to stop the self-pity, huh? I’m going to be your momma, and I need to become brave and strong to do that. I want you to learn from me if you’re a girl. I want you to not always have to rely on others. If you’re a boy, I want to teach you respect for girls, and to be kind, not just fierce.”

Will I find out at the scan what sex the baby is? Will the men want to know?

Thinking about them kicks the melancholy back in, but as I stew on their ignoring me, it turns to anger. How dare they? One of them is this kid’s biological father, and if they’re going to screw around like this, I’ll take a paternity test and make damn well sure they pay their way.

Emotionally and mentally, I’m all over the place.

Elated one moment. Terrified the next. Angry, then sad. Do the hormones kick in this early? I need to read up on this, learn more about what to expect.

I pick up my tablet and scroll online stores for books about pregnancy. I pick three that look the most informative and order them.

My phone buzzes, and I glance at it, my heart pounding in anticipation. I groan out loud in disappointment when I see it’s just a text from Camile.

I should be glad to hear from her, but I really wanted it to be one of the guys.

Hey, bestie. You need to get your ass down to the main lecture hall now. Major shit going down. Entire school has been called.

What the hell? My stomach flip-flops with anxiety. What now? Oh, God, could it be more security breaches?

As much as I don’t want to leave my room, I can’t ignore this. I hope it’s nothing, and the school is just being overly cautious after what happened.

Throwing myself off the bed, I push my feet into some slides and check my hair in the mirror. I have to admit I’m not looking my best, and as much as I don’t want to care, I also know if I see any of the Devils, I don’t want to look like shit. I’ve always done my best to hide how I feel inside, and I won’t stop now. I’m the Duchess, and I’ll hold my head high, no matter what. I fluff my hair a little, add some gloss to my lips and a spray of perfume, and then set off to the lecture hall.

The biggest lecture hall doubles as an assembly room, too, as it has a stage and is also used for shows and other performances. I arrive and take a seat at the back. Everyone is here. I’ve never seen it this full.

Glancing at the front, I gasp. Dom, Tino, and Kirill are standing on the stage. What the fuck? Have they done something wrong?

My stomach twists with nerves, and I shake my head at myself. Of course they’ve done something wrong—at least in the eyes of the law. They’ve killed people, and so have I. Is that what all this is about? I’d been worried about bringing up a baby alone, but suddenly a different possibility hits me. What if the FBI are involved, and they’re about to pull me onstage, too? I might have to give birth in prison and never get to see my baby.