Page 32 of The Devils' Darling

I don’t want to shower with him in the room, but I also feel disgusting. I’m basically naked already, and there is a thin white shower curtain I can hide behind. Without saying another word to him, I climb into the tub. The shower is positioned on the wall at one end. I’m still wearing my underwear, but I figure I’ll take them off when I’m hidden behind the shower curtain. They could do with a wash, too. I contemplate what to do with them. I don’t want to have to wear soaking wet panties, even if they are clean, but it didn’t look as though the nasty wedding dress Grigoriy brought came with lingerie.

Maybe I’ll just have to go without. What a classy bride I’ll make—a cheap dress and no panties.

The faucet squeaks as I turn it, and there’s a splutter and a gurgle from somewhere deep in the walls. Then water spurts from the showerhead. It’s cold at first, and I suppress a shriek, but in a matter of seconds, it turns warm.

I stand beneath the shower and close my eyes. Water runs over my hair and face, washing away the men’s semen. Quickly, I roll down my underwear and kick them to one side. I pick up the soap and use it on my hair and body. It’s cheap and drying, but it’s all I’ve got, and I’m grateful for it. It feels good to be clean again.

The shower curtain moves.

My eyes ping open.

Grigoriy stands there, staring. I gasp and grab the shower curtain, trying to cover my body, but he tears it from my grip.

“Don’t worry, Kitten. I won’t fuck you. It would confuse things not to know who the baby you’ll soon be carrying belongs to. I just want to make sure you’re doing what you’re supposed to. All nice and clean?”

“Yes,” I mutter, my head down.

“Good. Now get out and put on this dress. We have a wedding to attend.”

Chapter 12


I go with my father to greet Valentino and his men.

They arrive in a convoy—two large SUVs, with Tino in his car leading the way. The college kitchen staff make themselves scarce, aware that trouble is brewing.

We do our best to stay out of view of the other residents of the college. People talk, and as the majority of the people here have ties to various mafia families around the world, we don’t want them knowing our business.

It’ll create suspicions of weaknesses, and we don’t want that either.

I’m particularly conscious of the Vipers. Their missing third wheel is returning any day now, and that changes things. The French twins—Louis and Mattheo Laurant—are crazy fucks, but they have nothing on Zane. He’s been away having surgery on his throat, but he’ll be back soon and ready to rain terror over Verona Falls. Luckily, the three of them are in West House, so they don’t have much to do with us, but we’re still bound to bump into one another from time to time.

The vehicles all pull to a halt, and the engines cut off.

My father is on my left, and we share a glance. I sense he’s braced for trouble, even though we’re all on the same side.

The vehicle doors open, one after the other, and men with military short hair and olive skin climb out. Tino joins them, standing at their head like a commander.

“Thank you for coming,” Nataniele says.

The men nod and dip their heads in deference to my father, which is good and makes me think this just might work.

“What’s the plan? To move fast and hard?” my father asks.

“We have to be careful going in,” Tino says. “We might have the coordinates, but that’s all we know. We don’t know how many men Grigoriy Stepanov has with him, or how well armed they are.”

I agree. “We don’t even know for sure this place is where either Kirill or Mackenzie are being kept. It could just be a meeting place, and they’ve moved on from there.”

A lack of knowledge is a dangerous thing.

It’s strange seeing Tino with his men. It’s as though he’s become someone else. I can see the man destined to take over the compound, and the surrounding city, on the outskirts of Buenos Aires.

He’s at the head of his men, commanding them, and they clearly respect him.

It’s as though something has shifted. It was only a matter of months ago that we were acting like kids at times, lording it around the college, messing with whatever girls we wanted and getting into fights. Now we’ve had to grow up, and we’ve done it fast.

Tino glances over his shoulder at his men. “Let’s move in quickly but quietly. We suspect they’re being held in a cabin at these coordinates. We’ll surround the place, make sure there’s nowhere they can run. If they are there with Mackenzie and Kirill, and they move, we might not find them again. This could be our only chance.”