Page 44 of If You Want Me

I hug her. “It is absolutely okay. I wasn’t upset at you at all. But I want you to have your privacy and to feel free.”

“If we ever make you uncomfortable, you have to swear to tell me,” she whispers.

“Swear.” And link pinkies. “I just want you to be happy. Proud of you.” I bump her shoulder.

Tally sneaks another sip. The joke’s on her though, because Hemi’s margarita is like Tally: a virgin. But it makes her feel badass when she thinks we let her sneak sips of alcoholic beverages. Bless her adorable, sweet, seventeen-year-old heart.

“I’ll change my shirt.” I head to my bedroom.

“Just change your bra. I have a great shirt you can borrow.” Rix disappears into her bedroom.

A minute later I return to the living room, wearing only my favorite bra.

“Oh, wow!” Tally’s eyes go wide.

“That bra is a winner, and I need six.” Dred gives me a double thumbs-up.

“The bra makes them look more substantial. I’m a modest B-cup. Except when I have my period; then I’m a serious B-cup,” I explain.

Tally taps her lips. “Can we go bra shopping one day? I only have sports bras and plain black and nude bras.”

“Absolutely. We’ll plan a trip.” I’m built very much like my mom with my dad’s ridiculous metabolism. It means I’m lean, without a lot going on in the boob department. When I was in high school, some of the girls made fun of me because I was skinny and a late bloomer. I’d really hoped puberty would help a girl out, but my boobs never grew into my body. I do have a butt, thank God.

“You’re built like an athlete. There’s nothing wrong with that,” Hemi says. She has curves for days.

“Our bodies are beautiful exactly as they are.” It’s what my mom always says. I know she’s right, even when it’s hard. The bra does a good job making what I have work for me. And I can always go braless, if I want. Except when it’s really cold and my nipples can cut glass.

“I have two options.” Rix does a double take. “Holy hell, that bra is truly magical.”

“I know. It’s my favorite forever.” I should stockpile a few in case they stop making them.

Rix tosses her shirts over her shoulder. “Can I?” She raises a cupped hand.

“Oh yeah, go for it.” I motion for her to go ahead.

She pushes at the fabric. “Oh, that’s nice. It’s soft padding.”

Tally raises her hand. “Can I also feel?”

“Yeah. For sure. Hemi? Dred? You want in?”

Dred shrugs. “Might as well.”

“Damn, there’s nothing better than a soft supportive bra that seriously fits.” Rix’s eyes are wide in awe.

“Girl, I’m trying to rein these babies in on a regular basis.” Hemi motions to her ample rack.

Dred comments on the excellent support while checking out the straps.

Tally hops off the couch and gives my bra a tentative poke.

“Knock! Knock! Checking in to see how things are going pre-coffee date!” My dad comes barging into the apartment.

Tally, Rix, and Dred freeze with their hands by my boobs.

“What the—” My dad turns around and heads for the door.

“Dad, you need to wait until I say it’s okay to come in.”