Page 125 of If You Want Me

My hands are unsteady as I pull the ribbon free and remove the tissue paper and the small jewelry box. I already know what’s inside. Any time I’ve accompanied my dad to one of his suit fittings—which is every single one he’s had since I was a teenager—I window shop at the exclusive jewelry store nearby and fawn over a specific pair of earrings. They’re ungodly expensive and nothing I ever need. Let alone deserve.

I flip the lid open and try not to cry. Inside are the diamond earrings I’ve admired for years. “Dad, this is too much.”

“Consider it an early graduation gift, if you need to, but I thought they would be beautiful with your dress. You should put them on, and the dress. I’ve only seen pictures.”

“Thank you. I love you. You’re the best dad.” I wrap my arms around him, and he returns the embrace.

“I love you to pieces, sweetheart. And I know I can be a lot sometimes, but it’s only because I want the best for you.”

“I know. And I love you for it.”

He waits in the living room while I put on my gala dress, shoes, and earrings.

I take a few deep breaths, working to keep my emotions in check. I’m so scared—of his reaction, of the possibility that Hollis might not choose me if my dad isn’t okay with us dating. But I won’t know if I don’t test the waters.

I open my bedroom door, and the expression on my dad’s face nearly undoes my composure. His hand goes to his chest, and he looks as though he’s on the verge of emotion, like me. “You are just so beautiful.”

“The earrings are perfect. I love them.”

“They go with the dress okay?” he asks.

“They’re amazing, and I’ll only ever buy dresses to match them.” They’re yellow diamonds ringed in white diamonds and unbelievably indulgent.

“You worked so hard for this. I know this semester has been stressful for you, but you’re almost there. The finish line is in sight. And I know the PR assistant position with the team isn’t quite yours yet, but I’m excited to have you back in the office. We all loved having you there. And while it isn’t the job I envisioned for you, I love that I’ll finish out my contract with you in house.”

“Me, too.” Fingers crossed they don’t find someone with better qualifications.

“Just don’t date any of the players and we’ll be fine,” Dad adds with a smile.

My stomach lurches. “They’re good guys, though. I mean, I know Flip can be an issue, but even he’s been there to look out for me.”

“They’re young and full of hormones.”

“You would know, since I’m standing here.”

“Touché,” he mutters.

This is the chance to lay some groundwork. To plant the seed. To finally be honest with him and alleviate some of this guilt I’ve been carrying for months. I can be brave. “Look at Tristan. He was a hot mess last year off the ice, and now he’s head over heels with Rix. He’s desperate for her to move in with him. I know there were some issues with him and Flip for a bit, but they’ve worked it all out. Now Rix and Tristan are so in love, and Flip and Tristan are still best friends.”

Dad’s jaw clenches, and his expression darkens. “I would murder Hollis and bury him in a very deep grave if he ever put his hands on you.”

My heart feels like it’s been put in a vise. Just like that, any hope I had that I wouldn’t destroy everything by telling him about me and Hollis goes up in flames.



Two days before the gala, my younger sister, brother-in-law, and niece stop in for a surprise visit. Mike is a professor and sometimes guest lectures at the local university. Occasionally when he has a trip, he’ll bring Micha and my nearly three-year-old niece, Elsa, along. They live a couple of hours away in Niagara.

“Unca Haw-lis, look at my fissy! And my turble!” Elsa holds up a stuffed rainbow fish and a stuffed green turtle.

“They are amazing! Did you have the best time at the aquarium today?” I pick her up and raspberry her cheek.

“Ah! Unca Haw-lis!” She pushes on my chest and giggles. “Do again! Do again!”

I give her another raspberry, and she bursts into a fit of giggles.

There’s a knock on my door. I glance at the clock, realizing it’s probably Aurora. Roman has taken on training with the backup goalie a couple of times a week, so he’s out for a few hours some afternoons. Yesterday, Aurora told me she’d tried to feel Roman out, and it did not go well. She explained what happened through panicked tears. I can’t decide if his reaction had more to do with what we know about Tristan’s proclivities, or him actually dating Rix. Regardless, telling Roman before the gala is off the table now. I offered, again, to pull out of the auction, but Aurora is afraid he’ll connect the dots and I’ll be minus a few teeth, or my head.