Page 77 of If You Want Me

I check my mailbox on the way up and find a package. I don’t remember ordering anything, so the contents remain a mystery as I take the elevator to my apartment. Once inside, I flip the safety latch—Rix will go straight to work from Tristan’s in the morning. I drop my keys in the bowl, toe off my shoes, and hang my coat in the closet before I tear open the package and dump the contents on the counter. Inside are three identical scrunchies. They’re the same as the one I left with Hollis the other day, navy blue with a yellow banana print.

I press my fingers to my lips. It’s well after eleven. Hollis is regimented about his sleep and usually doesn’t stay up late, especially since he’s spending a lot of hours on rehab.

I still send him a pic of the scrunchies along with a message:


Are these from you?

He responds immediately.


Yes. So you have spares in case one goes missing again.


You’re up late.


So are you. Don’t you have class in the morning?


Don’t you have physical therapy?

I startle when my phone rings and nearly fumble it as I answer.

“I know what you sound like and look like when you come, and it’s all I can see and hear when I close my eyes.” His voice is a seductive rasp.

“It’s the same for me,” I admit.

“You’ve been quiet since the other night,” he says.

My conversation with the girls gives me the confidence to be honest. “I felt you needed the space, and I didn’t want you to tell me it can’t happen again.”

His swallow is audible. “It probably shouldn’t.”

“But you can’t stop thinking about it either,” I finish as I cross to my bedroom.

“I really can’t.” He sighs. “Are you in bed?”

“I just got home. I was out with Rix and Hemi, but I’m on my way there. Are you?”

“Yeah. Is Rix at Tristan’s tonight?”

“She is.” I put my phone on speaker and drop it on my bed.

“So you’re all alone.” His voice is gravelly.

I almost suggest he come over and dry fuck on my couch, but it’s too soon. Hollis can’t handle a repeat yet. “Yup, it’s just me.” I lower my voice to a sultry whisper. “No one around to hear me moan.”

He groans. “You can’t say shit like that to me, Princess.”

“If you can’t stand the heat, Hollis, get out of my bedroom.” I pull my shirt over my head. I fully anticipate another chastisement—secretly they’re becoming my favorite—and then him hanging up on me.

“Are you getting undressed?”