Page 80 of Unholy Bonds

Not Ryden Sinclair, though. He wasn’t nothing.

“What am I going to do with you, Ryden? You’re an obstacle, and I have to remove you. It’s nothing personal.”

Every piece was finally falling into place, and I couldn’t afford his presence to disrupt my plans.

I was… hers.

She was… only mine. She would only ever be mine.

I wouldn’t share her with anyone else. I had been waiting for the moment when we would finally be together. The moment we wouldn’t hide behind the masks but stand against each other without lies, masks, deception. Our true selves. She would never find that with anyone else.

“You can find a hundred men, Yara, but in the end, you’ll only ever belong to me. You did that first night when I saw you bathed in Robert Miller's blood, looking like a Goddess of vengeance and justice. That’s the moment I fell in love, that’s the moment I was born.”

It had been two days since Tany was dead, and Robert Miller walked around like he did nothing wrong, like he wasn’t the reason a girl took her own life.

The orphanage chapel was lit with candles along the altar, and there he was. Robert Miller, on his knees. Praying to Jesus and Mother Mary.

Cold wind crept up my skin, and the knife in my frozen, trembling fingers felt like it weighed a hundred pounds. I stared at him through the windows, watching him from behind the tall tree, trying to get the courage to kill him.

“Kill him. Kill him. He doesn’t deserve to live.”

I slapped my hands against my head. The voices in my head were loud and incessant.

“Kill him. Take him to hell.”

I wanted to kill him, but fear paralyzed me, keeping me in place. I trembled when the door to the chapel opened, and a thin girl walked in. Her red hair was like a flaming fire. Yara Kent.

Before I could jump inside the window, I caught the gleam of the knife in her hand. I pressed my hand to my mouth when I saw her pushing her knife into his back. She looked calm. There was no trace of fear in her eyes.

When she was done, she smiled, bathed in his blood.

Like an angel from heaven. Crimson-soaked messenger of God.

I fell in love.

I never stopped loving her, but here she was, once again finding comfort in someone else who would never understand her or know her as I did.

I slapped my cheek, once, twice, shaking my head, letting the pain steady me. “How can you do this to me? We shared that night. We shared more than blood and bodies.”

She would pay for it, but not yet.




Icould smell Ryden’s desire coating his skin. I should have thought of this before tonight, but at least I finally got him exactly where I wanted him.

“Why?” I said, my grin self-satisfied as we weaved through the throng of dancing bodies toward the elevator.

He whirled around, glaring at me. “Oh, shut up, Yara.”

“What?” I blinked.

“You’re not as innocent as you look.” His voice came out harsh and accusing. I smiled a little inside. He had no idea how truly awful I was.

“Really? Why do you think that?”