“I liked our games, Ryden. You know… when you saw me touch myself, when you used the gift I sent you, but I’m done playing. I want the real thing. I want your cock, now.”
He shook his head, his breath sharp, his eyes demanding.
I was burning, and there was just no way to stop the fire in me. Only he could help me with that.
He caught my wrist in his, pulling me along with him. His voice was a command when he said, “Let’s fucking find somewhere private before you kill me.”
FUCK. This is it. I’ve dug my own grave, and now I’m willingly jumping in. I can’t stop.
RIP, Ryden Sinclair. You had a good run.
No. NO. My soul screamed in violence. I wanted to burn the whole place down until the traces of her deception died with him… the man she chose.
She can’t do this to me.
My eyes followed Yara and the man in the black shirt. I immediately recognized him—I had seen that face more than a few times, printed next to the articles he had written about The Strangler. Well, me. Ryden Sinclair. How dare he come between me and my love?
He thinks he knows me, but he doesn’t. No one does. Only Yara knows me.
I had seen Yara with men before, but she never looked at them like she was looking at Ryden, her eyes almost soft and needy.
The trace of the ruthless killer was gone. This was Yara, the woman. No. I couldn’t let that happen. I couldn’t let her fall for someone else. After everything I had done for her… why the fuck would she want someone else?
She knew I was doing everything for her. Why would she break my heart? “It’s not… fair, Yara. It’s evil.”
My fingers tightened around the glass in my hand, and it broke with a snap. The bartender gave me a worried look, his eyes studying the blood dripping from the scratches.
It didn’t hurt.
No, this pain was nothing when compared to the sting of betrayal. Gritting my teeth, I rubbed the blood against my pants.
“I’m sorry,” I said as the bartender quickly called someone to clean the mess I made.
“Do you need help with your wound?”
“No, thank you,” I said, quickly hiding the anger.
“Who is he to you? Is it more than just sex this time?” I whispered, staring at the blood coating my palm as I walked out of the club, feeling anger and rage. My breath came out in a short, painful gasp.
“You can’t, Yara. You…can’t.”
My body burned as I glared at the shining light flashing repeatedly above.
I came home for her. Only for her.
She should have just stayed with the other one… what was his name, Josh Something, until it was time for us. Yes. Now, that one was a harmless, stupid fucking piece of nothing.