Page 55 of Unholy Bonds

“That’s enough alcohol for you,” he said when I grabbed another bottle of beer. The beer almost smelled like death. Everything in this place smelled the same, and it was comfortable. Familiar. Our lives, though different, were all about dying. “You’re in a weird mood these days. Is it because of Doctor Death?”

“I can’t… fucking get her out of my mind,” I said, and Enzo snorted, looking very amused by my predicament. “She’s haunting me, and I—I think about her even when I don’t want to. I know it’s madness. She’s someone who works with the cops to find killers like me, Enzo. I’m sure she must have worked on some of my displays as well.”

“Well, the killers she helps to find—those are the ones you kill, and every one of them deserved to die,” he said, his voice tinged with pride.

“Well, not everyone thinks like you.”

“Are you still stalking her?” He gave me a look, running his tattooed fingers through his hair.

“No. I decided to stop.”

My body screamed to see her smiling as she took that first sip of coffee every morning and to see her slip her dress down that curvy, soft body every night. I was almost sure she saw me when I was following her. I felt her eyes on me when I wasn’t looking, and it felt like she was gloating.

“I want to, but I shouldn’t,” I admitted.

Everything in me urged me to give in. To say fuck it, tear every rule book I had so meticulously written for myself, and fall headfirst into this woman, into the madness she elicited within me.

My need for her had already twisted into an insatiable hunger, and the obsession was a fierce inferno. As mornings blurred into nights, the only thing that consumed me was Yara.

“Good for you,” Enzo said, emptying his beer. “But how long are you going to last? After what happened with that pretty Vanessa…” Enzo looked at me, and there was amusement in his eyes. He was fucking laughing at me.

I growled.

After that night at Yara’s home, I decided I needed to get her out of my brain, or I knew I’d go fucking insane from the torture. So, I thought, why not invite Vanessa for dinner? We went for dinner. It could have gone well, too.

The food was amazing, and the music was pleasant. We were talking about something that had happened at Vanessa’s work. We finished dinner, and then she leaned in for a kiss… and what did I do? I flinched away from her as if she’d just eaten an expired batch of fish sticks dipped in cat pee or something. Her eyes widened, and she shook her head, pulling away from me.

“You found her,” she had said then, looking at me with eyes that were so soft and a bit broken.

“I… what do you mean?” I asked with a frown, wondering if she had lost it.

“Your person. So? This is where we say goodbye.”

She once told me that we’d part ways once we found our soulmates. I said I didn’t believe in that.

“Not my person. I don’t believe in soul mates,” I had said.

“You’re lying.”

She was fucking wrong, but I just nodded. I knew I couldn’t continue this ruse with Vanessa after everything that happened with Yara. I knew she wouldn’t satisfy me anymore. No one would.

It was Yara’s face that tormented me, that contorted my insides. The way Yara West slithered into my skin like a serpent, refusing to leave, was unsettling. My cock grew raging hard whenever I thought of her, and that was not good for my fucking health.

“You swore never to bring it up again,” I muttered, rubbing my face.

“It’s fun to see you like that. I enjoy it. You’re always so in control.”

“Sadist,” I said. “You’re a fucking sadist, Enzo.”

“Says the psychopath,” he retorted, rubbing the side of his cheek.


“Why not just give in? She told you that she only wanted to fuck you, didn’t she?”

“Well, Yara West is a complication I can’t afford. Not with K.Y. Wolff on my fucking ass. I haven’t gone completely mad, not yet.”

“I started listening to her podcast, too. I understand why Detective Patel said what he said. That voice…” Enzo shuddered. “But are you sure she’s the one who killed Victor?”