Her body went stiff, and the knife went further into his skin, cutting a sharp line along his throat.
“Why did you kill Katelyn? Why her?”
“How do you know that I killed her?” Logan’s voice was antagonistic, and his smile twisted as he grabbed Yara with his grimy hand.
Everything turned red. I shot him on his other hand, and he screamed again, but let her go.
“Don’t touch her, you motherfucker,” I growled, kicking the side of his face. The sound of flesh smacking against my boot was therapeutic, so were his screams.
He slumped back down, tired, but the gleam in his eyes never went away.
“Tell me why you chose her?”
“Did I choose her?” he goaded.
“You’re The Strangler. You killed her.”
“Didn’t I tell you… I hate that name, Little Love.”
“Yara, kill him.”
“No, I can’t. I need answers. I couldn’t…” She wiped her eyes and let out a frustrated growl, punching Logan.
“Eyes on me, Yara, look at me.” She met my eyes. “He won’t give you anything. You already know that. He’s playing you.”
“Trust him, Yara. I won’t,” Logan said, laughing as he did, spitting out blood. His laughter was sinister, deranged.
“Then die,” Yara said with a growl. He smiled, and she bared her teeth. “Die.”
He’s smiling, Kat shouted in my head. He’s mocking you, mocking us.
He’s hiding something. I need to know how he knew me…
Just kill him already. He doesn’t deserve another moment on this earth, another breath of air.
She was right. “You’re making a mistake,” Logan spat, his eyes gleaming with a smug smile that made me want to gouge out his eyes.
I plunged my knife into his right eye, careful not to push it too far. Just enough, until he could feel the pain but not die. He couldn’t die yet. My demons leered in satisfaction as blood came pouring out of the wound.
His blood seeped in through the cracks in my soul, filling me up like nothing ever would.
I smiled, tears streaming down my cheeks as his broken screams filled the quiet morning air.
Everything was turning golden, and soon the place would come to life. He had to die before that.
“Don’t look at me with those eyes. It makes me very, very angry.”
“Fuck you, you pathetic—”
This was healing. This was meditation. Killing him would cage my demons for a while. Perhaps even longer than before.
“Ah, ah, hush now.” I yanked the knife from inside his eye socket, making sure not to be gentle. His right eye now looked like minced meat. “See. You’re not that strong now, are you?” I traced the knife down the track of tears with a giddy grin. “You’ll feel everything I’m going to do to you, Logan. Kat was my one good thing, and you took her from me.”