“Gut him and then peel his flesh off his bones.”
I looked at Ryden and he gave me a nod. “Sounds perfect.”
She was efficient, ruthless, filled with the red of anger and rage. The animal within me howled, carrying away the remains of my sanity. She was everything I had ever wanted in my incomplete life. She killed Victor, and then she played me, she played me so fucking well but… I couldn’t imagine a world where her red hair and golden eyes weren’t there. A world where she wasn’t there to look at me with a smile that had the power to rip my heart and soul into pieces.
Why? Why is this so hard?
“Hello, Logan. You’re finally mine.” Yara kicked him on the side of his face and shook her head. “I wished I had worn my high heels for this.” She looked like a wrathful goddess, and her eyes sparkled with fire that wouldn’t fizz out until he was dead.
She held him down with a boot pressed to his stomach, her knife ready. Sunlight glinted against the steel knife, and I watched as her breasts rose and fell in a rhythmic motion.
It fucking turned me on, and I was ashamed to admit it… but there it was. She was hot as hell, and I wanted to fuck her right here, right now.
“It feels like I’ve been waiting for this all my life,” she said in a slow breath, grabbing two pairs of gloves from inside her trench coat. She handed one to me. “Wear these and wipe your fingerprints off the gun.” She took a small bag of white powder from her pocket and pressed it against Logan’s nose.
“Ketamine,” she said when she caught me staring.
“The gun’s already evidence, isn’t it?” I said, and she shook her head, chuckling.
“This isn’t my gun, Turtle Mocha. I’m not an amateur like you. You got caught killing Phil.”
“Matthew. His name was Matthew. He was a fucking rapist,” I said with a wince. “Don’t be so fucking smug. I caught you, K.Y. Wolff.”
“Aw, is your tender little ego bruised, Turtle Mocha?”
I growled, baring my teeth at her, and she laughed, the sound dancing along my skin.
“The gun belongs to one of my many men. He won’t miss it, though.” The darkness, the satisfaction in her smile… oh, it pulled out the bloodthirsty heathen buried within me to the light.
I couldn’t wait to see the darkest, most violent shades of her. The goddess and the demon within her.
“How do you want to do this, then, my lady?” I asked Yara, studying the golden ember in her eyes.
“Slowly, painfully, until the demons within me are less hungry, less thirsty,” she said. She leaned closer and pressed a kiss to my lips as her boot came down hard on Logan’s cock.
“Yes. Whatever you want,” I said.
She tied her hair back, her brows furrowed in concentration.
She was gorgeous, even when she was talking about killing a man. The anger in her roared like flames around her, and I’d gladly burn in them if she’d let me. “I want to cut him into a million pieces, and I want him to feel every single cut. I want to pour salt on those cuts. Then I want to burn him until his scream is the only thing I hear until the screams inside me die down.” She looked like she didn’t even realize what she was saying, lost in a haze of blind fury.
Could I be this lucky to have this woman all for myself, to have her darkness breathing along with mine? Could I afford that?
I wanted to. I needed to.
“Fuck. You’re so fucking sexy, and I’m so fucking turned on right now,” I said, running my hand down my cock, and she gasped, shaking her head.
“Hurry, then,” she said as she trailed the knife down my chest until it was pressed against my rock-hard cock. I groaned and she tutted, stepping over the unconscious asshole to come closer. I gripped her hips and she sighed.
“So hard. You’re not lying, but not yet,” she breathed out before kicking Logan in his right lung, once, twice, her pulse ragged, her skin flushed. Sweat trailed down her brows, and the knife in her fingers trembled.
Her grin was quickly replaced by something insidious when she looked down at Logan. “Why? Why did you… hurt my Kat? Why?” The scream that left her filled the sky with the red of wrath and the blue of sadness.