“I know, I know. What next? What comes after all of this?” I could hear the doubt in his voice. I didn’t fucking care. He was only a means to an end. Nothing more.
“He’ll know her worst secrets, and he’ll break her heart,” I said with a soft chuckle, almost enjoying it. Of course, I hated that she’d be hurt, but sometimes, you had to get hurt to find something real. “And I’ll be there to put her back together.”
“What do you mean?”
“No one can love her, not all the sides of her. When Ryden Sinclair realizes she’s not the woman he thinks she is, he will not accept that part of her. He’ll break her heart, and she’ll fall apart.”
“Sounds so far-fetched. You’re lying to yourself, and—”
“Shut the fuck up, you fucking idiot…” I grabbed the bottle of beer and swung it against the wall.
“Sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it.”
I took a deep breath. It wasn’t far-fetched. I knew she’d finally realize that I was the only one for her.
“What should I do with Ryden after that?”
Was that even a question?
“Kill him, and then I’ll make her mine.”
Logan Jones wasn’t going to get away this time. Logan’s phone had finally come online—the one he used to send messages to me. I couldn’t wait to hunt him down.
My brain kept going back to Ryden and what happened, but this wasn’t the time to think about him. I needed to be focused.
Logan Jones first. I gripped the gun tighter in my hand. It felt odd—I had never used a gun before. I preferred knives. I took this one from one of my victims and kept it just because.
Logan had been a big part of my life for a long time, and I couldn’t wait to finally cut him into pieces, cut his intestines out, and then strangle him with them until he lost his breath.
Yellow became orange, which blazed into red. The burning anger would only leave me once Logan was gone.
I walked further into the woods, my eyes scanning the surroundings. I had a feeling that he knew I was here, and he was watching and waiting. I was his prey, but I knew this place. I had once hunted and killed here.
Pulling my trench coat tighter around my body, I moved further. I’d find a way to kill him even if I had to sacrifice my own life.
A life for a life. His for Katelyn’s. Mine for his.
I noticed every small detail along the trail that wound deep into the woods. The broken branches. The trampled wildflowers left there like breadcrumbs—he was inviting me to come closer. “Where the hell are you, Logan?” The words left my lips in an angry hiss. “And who the hell are you?”
Even though the soft sunlight filtered through the thick canopy of trees, the shadows still danced, hiding sinister secrets underneath its emerald blanket.
A snap, sharp and distinct, shattered the silence that lingered, sending a shiver down my spine. My body tensed.
Was it Logan? Or something else? I whirled around, raising my gun. My heart ran frantically when a hand grabbed me by my shoulder and pressed me against the tree.
“Fuck.” Grunting, I tried to pull away from my attacker.
“Don’t you dare even think about shooting.” Ryden’s voice sliced through the air like a blade, sharp and menacing, and my body instantly relaxed.
It’s only Ryden. But he sounded angry.
He gripped my hand with a growl, tightening his fingers until the gun slipped from mine.