“Evolving,” I whispered, trying so hard not to flinch or scream. He was back in Detroit, and this was his first gift for me. With all the makeup and the red wig, he made her look like me. I was grateful the detectives hadn’t seen it, but I could. She didn’t look anything like me, but… she was me.
My stomach heaved.
“There’s no ID or any personal belongings. If it is The Strangler—” Detective Rishi started and was cut off by Rosario.
“It’s that pinche pendejo. You know it.”
“Detective, here’s the fingerprint scanner.” Keya Jackson handed the device to Detective Patel, looking at him like he had hailed from Mars.
“The victim is Daphne Morgan.”
And that was when it struck me like fucking lightning. I staggered back, grabbing my throat, which felt like it was slowly becoming smaller.
Now I knew why she looked vaguely familiar—not just because she looked like me. She was the woman I met last night.
“I—I know her. I mean, I don’t really know her, but I met her last night at an art exhibition. She’s the art director of the gallery Art and Apostles,” I whispered, taking another step away from her.
“Are you alright, Doctor West?” Detective Patel put a hand on my shoulder. “You should sit down.”
“No, no, I’m alright. I just… I can’t believe that she’s dead. I talked with her, and she was… alive. Why—”
Me? Am I the reason she’s dead?
I had a feeling I was.
“Detective, we have finished processing the scene,” Keya said. “There are no fingerprints anywhere in the scene. The Strangler didn’t kill her here. This is a body dump, like his previous ones.”
“Bag the body and bring it to the ME office,” I said to one of the officers as Detective Rishi continued to study me.
“If you need to take some time…”
“No, I’m not letting this monster do this again. I’ll make sure he pays for this.”
I walked out of the crime tape and realized Ryden drove me here.
I should have taken my own car. Look what depending on someone else got me. Stranded without a car.
You’re exaggerating. Any one of the officers here will gladly give you a ride.
But I didn’t want to drive with someone else. I wanted to be alone, just me and my thoughts that were racing at a million miles per second.
Just this morning, I was happy, and now it was lost inside this tornado of secrets and lies. How could I tell anyone this without revealing what I was? I had to end him before this became a long game. I knew he wouldn’t stop killing now. He promised me gifts and he would send them to me.
“Who the fuck are you? And what do you want with me?”
My phone vibrated from inside my purse. Gritting my teeth, I pulled it out. It was him.
TS: I hope you enjoyed my first masterpiece. Do you love the bouquet I left for you? I know you love lilies. If you have any complaints or suggestions, let me know. After all, you’ll be the one receiving your birthday presents. If you don’t like THEM, it will be such a waste of my time and effort.
TS: Are you angry?
I didn’t reply. He wanted me to… He was enjoying this a little too much, but I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.
“No, you don’t get to enjoy this. I’ll find you before you hurt more women. I’ll find you, and I’ll fucking gut you like the animal you are.”