“We should deal with him first, and then we can fuck over his dead body to celebrate,” Ryden said, grabbing my gun from me. I pulled out the knife from inside my trench coat, and Ryden shook his head. “Knowing that you use knives not just for sex but for other things… it’s making me so fucking hard, Little Killer.”
“Don’t distract me,” I said with a smirk, trailing the knife down his cheek.
One more bullet hit the tree to the right of us. Logan wasn’t a good shot, but for what he lacked in aim, he quite made up in persistence.
Fucking bastard.
“There’s a marsh inside the forest. It’s the best place to kill. We just have to lure him to it.”
“Fucking run, Red,” Ryden breathed out. “I’ve dreamed of chasing you through the woods and then fucking your pretty cunt until you can’t run or even hobble.”
“You’re the worst,” I said as Ryden grabbed my hand, and we hurtled toward the thicket of trees, away from Logan.
Thundering footsteps followed, but there were no bullets. Perhaps he was out of ammo, or he was saving them.
Sweat trailed down between my breasts as we finally reached the thorny trees, sedges, and bushes surrounding the soggy brown earth that looked ready to swallow a whole human.
“What’s our strategy now?” Ryden asked, his eyes clashing against mine, giving me a sense of solace, even when my heart was getting ready to explode.
“Goad him to make a mistake.”
“He’s The fucking Strangler. He’s smart.”
“Not today. His past kills were clinical and impersonal, except for Kat. That one showed how personal it was. Today is personal. You’re here, Ryden, because he wants to kill you before me. He wants to take the one last good thing I have.” I whirled around, staring through the foliage. “You’re not winning, Logan. Not this time. I found you,” I growled out. “The odds are against you.”
“You didn’t catch me. You wouldn’t have come an inch closer if I hadn’t wanted you to find me.” Was he telling the truth? But it didn’t matter anymore. “I lured you. I fucking played you.” There was no desperation in his voice.
Ryden and I shared a quick look. “He may be right, but he won’t walk away from this,” I whispered, gesturing for Ryden to move toward Logan from the opposite side. “Circle behind. I know this place. You can do it without being seen.”
“I can’t leave you alone here, Red,” Ryden spat through gritted teeth. I knew he was worried, but I had been doing it a lot longer, maybe longer than him.
“You have to. Trust me. I know this place. I’ve killed someone here before,” I said, and Ryden’s eyes widened, a grin defining his features. He leaned closer to me and pressed a quick kiss to my lips.
“Why are you so fucking perfect? It’s like someone took time to create you just for me,” he said before whirling around. “I hope you keep what belongs to me safe.”
“I’m going to kick your ass if you don’t move now.”
He smiled before walking away from me, his steps stealthy, quick. The predatory gleam in his eyes made me tremble. He gave me one last look before disappearing into the trees. “I’m not the one with a gunshot wound now, am I?” I said, goading Logan, hoping Ryden would be quick.
Eyes wide, I watched when Ryden finally came behind Logan, flanking him from the back as I advanced, my gun aiming straight at his heart.
“Do not fucking move,” Ryden said. Logan’s eyes widened for a split second before something else took over the fear.
Ryden raised his gun and slammed it hard against Logan’s head. At the same time, Logan whirled around, and his gun went off.
My breath froze. My heart tilted.
“Are you okay?” I asked, my breath hitching even as I stared at the man who was now on the ground, looking harmless. The man who killed my best friend.
“I am. It’s just a small graze. Here he is, Red. What do you want to do with him?”
I knew what I wanted. I always knew. I had been dreaming of this moment for years.
I found him, Kat. And now, I’ll cut him open, inch by fucking inch.
I love you, Yara.
I know. I love you, Kat.