“Are you God?” she asks quietly.
My heart stutters as I offer a regretful smile. “No. I’m the Angel of Death.”
Fifteen Years Ago
My knees bounce as Joey turns off the ignition and kills the lights. I have a bad feeling about this. Real bad. Jobs like this are never easy. Even the best laid plans always come with surprises. That’s why Luciano sent me instead of one of his usual soldiers. I may only be seventeen, but I’ve gained more trust in two years than men who’ve licked Marco and Luciano’s designer shoes for twenty.
“Will you stop jumping around?” He slams the magazine into his gun. “Jesus, you gonna walk up there and ring the doorbell, too?”
“Let’s just get this over with.” My eyes draw back to the house. I try to forget it’s Christmas Eve. Try to forget I know Nicholas and Katerina Romanov have five kids. Five kids who won’t have parents soon. The thought hits hard in my chest, burning so deep I almost lose my breath.
My hand tightens around my gun, irritated at whatever the hell has got me so twisted up. I never hesitate on a job. Luciano counts on me to keep conscience out of business. It’s easy because I have no conscience. I’m a machine.
Point. Aim. Fire. Leave.
If you fucked up enough to end up on Luciano’s list, it’s not my place or concern to question why. That’s what makes me good. No, fuck that—the best.
So, if this shit in my chest is sympathy, then it can just get the fuck out. Kids are resilient. They’ll survive. They’ll have their little trust funds to take care of them. Those brats will never know what real suffering feels like.
Joey swings his gun toward me, the barrel inches from my face. “You don’t call the shots around here, kiss ass. You might suck Luciano’s dick, but I rank above you. Don’t forget that.”
He hates me because I’m half his age. He hates me because this job is considered an honor, and Luciano gave it to me. He hates me because I have Irish blood in my veins and not Italian. But mostly, he hates me because he can’t do anything about it. Because if he touches one hair on my head, Luciano will put him in the ground.
I know it, and he knows it. That’s why I don’t bother giving a shit about the gun pointed at my face as I grab a pair of binoculars and scan the perimeter. “So, what did the king and queen of Hollywood do to end up on Luciano’s shit list?”
“Pissed off the wrong people.”
“I’m serious.”
“And you’re seriously getting on my last nerve. Those two are just like every rich fuck in this town. They pretend to be these upstanding role models but it’s just a mask. The Romanovs are coke snorting, hooker fucking, kid touching, silence buying, pieces of shit.”
I raise an eyebrow. “Luciano told you that?”
He doesn’t answer. He just tucks his gun away and climbs out of the car. “Grab your shit and try not to fuck up.”
“Wait,” I call out, racing to catch up with him. “Aren’t we going to cover our faces?”
“Why? It’s Christmas, not Halloween.”
“But the kids will see our faces. They can ID us, Joe.”
“Yeah,” he says, spitting on the ground. “I guess you’re right.”
Joey’s words bother me as we cross three streets toward the Romanov estate. That bad feeling comes back. A raw, churning in my gut that warns me things are about to go really wrong. But letting Luciano down isn’t something I’m willing to do. Therefore, I keep my mouth shut as Joey punches in the access code.
It’s late. Almost two o’clock in the morning. Most of Bel Air is sleeping, but there’s a light or two on in the Romanov estate. I start to ask Joey about it, but he silences me with his hand.
Again, I say nothing.
We sneak around the back where a spiral staircase leads to the second landing balcony. Joey gazes up at it, excitement flickering in his eyes.
“Are you just going to break the glass?”
“No. We’re walking in.” Reaching in his jacket pocket, he pulls out a key and slides it into the lock. I watch shell-shocked as it turns without any resistance, and he opens the door.