Tell him he’s right outside.
“He’s gone,” I blurt out.
He takes another step, narrowing his eyes. “Are you Alexandra Romanov?”
Tell him no.
Although his stare lingers, my answer seems to satisfy him. “Then you’ll do. This concerns you anyway.”
My spine straightens. I forget his beady eyes and focus on the folder he has tucked under his massive arm. Okay, now he has my attention.
Leaving the safety of Dominic’s glass box, I venture out into the open and stand awkwardly in the middle of the bullpen as this man stares at me, his eyes heated with what I now see as anger.
He makes a tight fist, pointing a finger at me as he charges forward. “You can tell Dominic McCallum he’s a motherfucking cocksucker.”
His nostrils flare, and his cheeks flame with rage. “Just because someone rerouted the goddamn test, doesn’t give him the right to call in an anonymous tip and fuck up my life!”
“What are you talking about?” I ask, confused at what he’s yelling about. “What test? What tip?”
“Someone called QuestTech to let them know about my little side job.” A furious smirk stretches across his mouth. “Oh, honey, don’t act like you don’t know. I’m over this bullshit.” Temper flaring, he slams the folder against his palm while pacing inches in front of me. “Usually, it’s no big deal. You want to ensure a guy is your baby daddy, I’m your man. But getting me fired because your fucking test got rerouted”—pausing, he lets out a humorless laugh—“that’s some dirty, low-down shit.”
I feel the color drain from my face, and my stomach clenches. “What do you mean my test got rerouted?”
The man turns on his heel, a stunned look on his face before his lips part into a sneer. “Son of a bitch. You really don’t know, do you?”
I don’t trust my words, so I shake my head.
He crowds into me again, and suddenly I can’t breathe. “Your boy Dominic paid double my asking price to make sure your test came back proving you were Alexandra Romanov, Miss Smith. Only it never made it to me. Someone rerouted your sample to BioLink.”
“If you didn’t alter my DNA test, then… then…” There’s a sharp stab against my temple. His words are trying to get in, but I can’t let them. There’s no room.
I jump as he slams the folder onto one of the empty desks. “That girl you’ve pretended to be for the last four months? You weren’t pretending. You’re Alexandra Romanov, sweetheart, and there’s the proof.”
My world plunges into an unknown place. It’s dark and lonely, and cold. “No,” I gasp, closing my eyes while backing up. “You’re lying. It’s not true.”
He lets out a heartless chuckle that trickles down my spine. “Oh, it’s true all right. When I figured out what happened, I called McCallum, and let’s just say losing his shit would be an understatement.”
I stop falling, suddenly suspended as if time has frozen. Slowly, I open my eyes and stare at him. “Dominic knows?”
“Oh, sweetheart, not only does he know, but he paid me extra to keep my mouth shut.”
Tightening my grip around the stack of boxes, I pick up the pace, taking the stairs two at a time. I told her thirty minutes but managed to make it back in twenty. Not because I don’t trust her, but I don’t know where her head is at lately, and that’s what worries me. I’ve seen this coming for weeks and hoped being out of the spotlight would reverse the damage I’ve done.
It hasn’t. If anything, it’s made it worse.
When I went to Silverline to get my hands on Rosten, the last thing I expected was to find him gone. Not only that, but then to talk to the night guard and find out he hasn’t been at the studio since Friday.