Sal, the night guard, raises an eyebrow as he peers into the car. “Kind of late on a Sunday night, Miss Romanov.”
“I realized I left a piece of jewelry on set.” Even I’m surprised at how easily the lie rolls off my tongue. “It’s a family heirloom.”
“Technically, you don’t work for Silverline anymore.” Hesitating, he glances toward the lot. “In fact, I’ve been instructed not to let you—”
“I’ll be quick, I promise.” I flash him the sincerest smile I can muster.
A quick nod is all the acknowledgment he offers before waving me through. Hitting the gas, I leave him behind along with his wavering guilt. I don’t think about what will happen to him after tonight. I’m winging this.
The studio is dark and deserted, the familiar rush of constant movement now a sinister calm. There’s an overwhelming sense of prophecy in the air, whispered chants from the past bleeding into the present.
Fate always finds a way.
Standing in the elevator, I stare at the slot for the keycard, and it’s as if someone else reaches into my purse and produces the plastic square. Like someone else hits the button for the penthouse. Like someone else steps inside the lobby.
He’s exactly where I knew he’d be. Not just because he’s a creature of habit or because he’s a workaholic. It’s because Silverline wasn’t my first stop. I knew he’d be here because I knew he wasn’t at his house.
I left there an hour ago.
Flinging the door to his office open without preamble, I find Rosten coming out of the attached bathroom in a white robe, rubbing a towel over his wet head. Our eyes meet, and instead of shock, a slow smirk creeps across his face.
“Alexandra. To what do I owe this unexpected and illegal surprise?”
“Why did you visit Dominic McCallum’s mother the day she died?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Dropping the towel, he saunters over to his desk.
“You know damn well what I’m talking about,” I hiss, ignoring the churning in my gut and storming across the office. “I saw your alias on the visitor’s log, Ross Gregory. That’s the name you use to make reservations at Amalia.”
I wait for the revelation to knock that smug look off his face, but it doesn’t. “You need to get out of that house more, Alexandra. It’s making you delusional.”
Oh no. Not this time. This ends here.
“I assure you I’m quite coherent about this,” I say, and his jawline tightens. Greg Rosten is used to me backing down. It’s my only advantage, so I keep my finger on the button. “I know all about your history with Brenda McCallum. How you made her life a living hell after she refused to sleep with you. But ruining her wasn’t enough for you, was it? You had to go after her son, too.”
There’s a brief wrinkle in his confidence before he takes a step toward me. “It would be wise for you to retract such statements, Miss Romanov.”
“Why? Does the truth sting a little? Dominic told the world exactly what you are, and you tried to destroy him.”
“If you tell lies, expect to get your tongue cut out. You’d do well to remember that.”
We all pay prices in life. This is yours.
“Lies?” I let out a bitter laugh. “God, you really believe that, don’t you? For the record, I know you were the one who released that picture. And it’s because you’re a coward.”
His nostrils flare, but he doesn’t react. That’s not good enough. I want rage. I want to see the king get off his throne and fight. If I’m going out, I’m going out in a blaze of glory.
“That’s right, a fucking coward. You couldn’t even do it yourself. You paid a hacker. If you’re going to be an asshole, at least own it. Don’t hide behind someone with actual balls.”
That pushes him over the edge.
In one long step he has me backed against the desk, his hand gripping my jaw. “You want to see what I can do, little girl? You have no idea.”
His hold is vicious, and while instinct screams at me to cower, there’s a voice in my head whispering demands. Imploring me to take a stand. To end the pain.
Biting back fear, I grab hold of his wrist and tug hard. It’s not enough to free myself, but it’s enough to free my words. “That’s what I mean,” I rasp, fighting his hold with both hands now. “Threats. Extortion. That’s what you do, but it won’t work. You can cut us and make us bleed, but you will never silence us. This time you’ve gone too far. You won’t get away with murder.”
He’s silent, and for the briefest moment, I think I’ve won. Then a slow, twisted smile spreads across his face as he brings his mouth close to my ear. “Oh, sweet, Alexandra. I already did.”