“Got it,” I said as she wrenched the door open. “And, Phoebe? Whatever you’re going to the pier to do, I’ll expect to hear about it later. No secrets, no lies…remember? Your words.”
With that, she closed the door, and I paced the newly cleaned floor. Hitting the speed dial button on my phone, I left the voice mail message I’d had no intention of leaving three minutes ago.
“Hey, Kristina, it’s Julian. I’m not going to be able to make it today. Something’s come up that needs my attention.”
From our door in the Hollywood Hills to the Santa Monica Pier only took thirty minutes by car. Part of me hated myself for not trusting her judgment, but after the stunt she pulled at Griffith Park, and the threat of her father, I gave zero fucks about it. I’d rather beg for her forgiveness than grieve for her loss.
As I parked my Corvette, I closed my eyes at the images that flashed through my mind. Jesus, fuck, my chest hurt. I found myself mindlessly rubbing it as I closed the door—as if it would make the dull ache stop.
The only thing that would stop the constant pressure in my chest would be a bullet between Daniel Dalton’s eyes. I didn’t care if it were by my hand or the LAPD, but this world didn’t need that asshole in it to turn. In fact, it’d be a happier place if he went ahead and took his rightful place in hell.
“Just couldn’t trust me, huh?”
Glancing up, I realized during my internal rant, I’d crossed the street and stood at the fence, where Ty leaned against a wooden post. He folded his arms over his massive chest with his fingers tucked under his biceps. His booted foot was tucked behind him, the heel slung back and hooked on the railing as he chewed on a straw from a discarded fast food drink.
“This has nothing to do with you, man.” I scanned the crowded beach for the familiar raven hair I’d know anywhere.
I meant what I said. My being here had nothing to do with my trust in him. Phoebe affectionately called him a sweet big lug, but if someone threatened Phoebe, that sweet big lug could snap someone’s neck. That was the guy for the job as far as I was concerned. I trusted him implicitly with Phoebe and my kid.
I just didn’t trust Phoebe’s desperation, or Dalton’s ability to hide in plain sight.
The corner of Ty’s mouth lifted in a knowing smirk. “Whatever, dude. I’m not offended. If some psycho paternal freak was after my woman, I’d have the overprotective vibe thing too.” Pulling the straw from his mouth, he pointed it toward the beach, three hundred feet to the left. “She barely put the car in park before she bolted. I tried following her, and she told me to fuck off.”
I scratched the back of my head to keep from laughing. “Well, at least she’s acting like her old self again.”
“She’s over there—hasn’t moved since we got here. She just keeps running her hands through the sand and talking to herself like some…” He stopped himself and his lips tightened. He didn’t have to say it. I knew he meant to finish with “crazy person,” then stopped because of Tanna. It’d been almost five months, and for the most part, Ty coped better than expected, considering how close he’d been to my stalker. But, sometimes, his façade slipped.
I risked opening old wounds and clasped him on the back. “Have you talked to her?”
He barely shook his head. “No. It wouldn’t be right.”
Tanna wrecked so many lives, but she’d destroyed Ty’s ability to trust. Which was a shame, because the guy had a heart bigger than anyone. At least he did before Tanna shattered it.
“For what it’s worth, I don’t think she lied, man,” I offered, my eyes pinned on Phoebe sitting cross-legged in the sand. “The real Tanna loved you. She still does.”
“What are you saying?” he asked, narrowing his eyes in honest confusion.
I pushed off the railing and said the words I never expected to say. “Call the hospital. Check on her. She has no one, Ty. If anyone’s going to reach through those personalities and bring the real Tanna back, it’s you.” I took a few steps before glancing over my shoulder. “It’s up to you. Nobody will think any less of you either way.”
With that, I left him there and made my way toward the round-bellied woman holding handfuls of gritty white sand as it fell through her small fingers.