Page 116 of Fame And Secrets

“You’re what?” Julian came alive with my outburst, his eyes trained on me. I swallowed all my self-doubt.

“Chloe said they want an interview. Hell, they’ve wanted an exclusive from me for years. My father is taunting me. He wants me off-balance and scared. I’m tired of being scared, Julian.” I held his stare with tears in my eyes, my voice cracking. “I’ve got nothing to lose.”

“How about Iris?” He finally stood and faced me. “What does she have to lose?”

I spread my arms wide. “He’s hiding in plain sight! It’s the only way to blow his cover. He’s got help. If we go national, someone out there knows something. We just have to find them.”

“It’s not a half-bad idea,” Jaxon agreed, placing a hand on Julian’s shoulder.

Julian cursed, scrubbing his face with his palms. “I don’t like it. What if he sees it, freaks, and it gets Iris killed?”

My arms ached to hold him. Instead, I wrapped them around myself and fixed my eyes on the package resting on the floor. “He’ll kill Iris anyway if we don’t do something.” Then, because I needed to reach him, and needed him to remember what I saw in my head every night, I walked slowly toward him. My heart beat in my throat as I took his hand and placed it against my stomach. “Do you need a reminder of what he’s capable of?”

My tactic to reach him had the opposite effect. Pulling his hand back as if he’d touched fire, he stormed toward the door, calling out of over his shoulder as he flung it open.

“If you’re going to get our daughter killed, I won’t be a part of the media circus that broadcasts it.”

The door slammed behind him.