I took a sip of my drink before speaking. Talking about my crazy style wasn’t enough to get my desired reaction, so it was time to move to the next phase.

Step two.

“Well, if you must know, I’ve had quite a crazy past with men. It’s wild how the numbers stack up when you’re not paying much attention! I’m still friends with quite a few of my exes, and I’m sure most of them will be devastated to hear that I’m getting married. I’m their favorite ex and will most likely always be. It’s like they can’t get enough of me, always wanting to come back once I cut off ties with them.”

I laughed like I’d just said the funniest thing in the world, but Feliks face remained stoic as I spoke.

My heart began beating wildly in my chest. Was he buying it? Or could he see through my virgin self?

“That’s actually one of the reasons I wanted to meet you, to let you know these things about myself so you’re not shocked when you find out. Hopefully, you’re not too bothered about my past because, you know, it’s just the way it’s always been. I’ve always been the sweetheart.” I winked, taking another sip of my drink.

Feliks only continued to watch me with the same stern expression. It was starting to make my stomach churn.

It was time to bring in step three. I needed a reaction from the man, something other than a blank stare and the occasional twitch of his lips. I needed him to reject me and insist on marrying Veronica.

I tried again. “I also have a confession.”

“And what might that be, Jenna?” The way my name rolled off his tongue sent a tingling to the base of my spine that forced me to sit upright.

I lowered my voice, even though I knew no one else could hear our conversation. “I have issues with sleepwalking and talking.”

Feliks leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers. The silence stretched, thick and suffocating. Then, a slow smile spread across his face.

“Intriguing,” he murmured, his gaze holding mine. “Tell me more about these quirks, Jenna.”

Panic clawed at my throat. Why wasn’t he running? Or repulsed? Why did he sound so interested? This wasn’t part of the plan.

“Well, you know, on some days, it gets so bad that I might hurt the ones around me. It’s usually safer for everyone if I’ll stay in a different room, but I still manage to break through and cause some havoc. I just wanted to tell you this news because I want you to accept me despite all these things.”

I plastered a smile on my lips as I fought the painful cold biting my exposed skin, but I couldn’t help the shiver that ran through me. Beneath the table, I crossed my fingers and hoped he’d reject me. Cancel the entire marriage and send me away.

Feliks stood, and my heart skipped for joy. This was it! He would walk away, which would end the chapter for me.

Or so I thought.

To my surprise, Feliks peeled his suit jacket off his frame, then walked over to my side of the table, placing the coat over my shoulders before whispering into my ear.

“You’re a terrible actor, Jenna. Did anyone ever tell you that?”

My heart dropped.

Getting covered up brought me warmth, and the masculine scent surrounding me and his deep voice whispering in my ear sent a chill up my spine. Feliks moved his chair closer to me, and when he tucked a strand of hair behind my ears, I could have sworn that I stopped to live in that second.

“Cut the act, will you? And tell me something honest about yourself.”

Nervousness settled in my stomach, mainly because of his proximity.

His intentions were clear; he would marry me, and I could do nothing about it. He saw right through my charade. The thought was enough to make the hair on my arms stand on end.

Chapter 6 - Feliks

“Well, you know, on some days, it gets so bad that I might hurt the ones around me,” she’d said.

From the moment I sat down, I could tell how uncomfortable she was in that dress, which confused me. Why had she made herself uncomfortable for the entire night when she had other options? However, as the night went on, the answer became clear.

Jenna had been on a mission, and while I had yet to figure out the entire circumstance surrounding the situation, it wasn’t hard to guess that the green-eyed girl didn’t want to go through with the marriage, which sparked many questions.

Why had she been there instead of Veronica, who was initially promised? I mean, I didn’t mind because not only did I end up having a good time with her at dinner, but there was also something about her that just felt right. It was the complete opposite of what I’d felt when I stared at Veronica’s picture for the first time, and I knew she’d be a better option than her sister.