She opened her mouth to speak but shut it immediately when she saw the look on my face. I’d ordered a large quantity of food because I was so hungry, and I hadn’t thought I would be able to work if I didn’t eat this much.

However, though the food had arrived, I’d barely eaten any of it.

“Do you want something else?” she asked with a worried smile. “Don’t you like the food? Is there something you don’t like about it?”

“Can I have my bill, please?” I cut in, raising my voice.

We both looked around the table at the same time. Everyone had turned to stare at us. I created a scene because of my anger, but I cared little about it.

“I’m sorry, sir,” she replied with a nod and walked away.

She returned with my bill, and I handed her my card. I saw her stealing glances at me as she charged from my account.

After she handed me my card, I left the place angrily. I wanted to warn her about staring at me, but I decided not to create any more of a scene than I already had and returned to my office. I was no longer hungry.

When I got back to the office, I met my secretary typing on her computer. She lifted her head and sighed when she saw me.

“Sir, Timur was here earlier to look for you,” she informed me.

My heart skipped a bit. I knew I’d asked him to bring a few documents to my office. I wasn’t even done with the ones I’d laid at my desk, and Jenna was stressing me already.

Having a wife came with different dramas than I had experienced at different points in my life, and this was one of them.

I nodded and walked back into my office. I sat at my desk and decided to sign the documents quickly, but I found myself staring blankly at my desk while I heard Jenna’s voice reading her last message in my ear.

I knew I wouldn’t be able to sign the documents, so I stood up and began to pace my office with my phone in my hand. I kept refreshing my messages, but Jenna had not replied yet.

Why was she ignoring me now? Where was she, and who was this “love” she’d referred to?

I kept staring at the message but could not link it to the text I’d sent her earlier.

I redialed her number, yet there was no reply. Jenna was ignoring me now. The thought alone made my body vibrate in anger. I wished I could see her or whatever she did on the phone.

I watched the time on my phone as I paced. Time passed quickly, and Jenna still had not replied to my text. My eyes moved swiftly and steadily from the last message to the time, then back to the previous message again.

I could feel myself gritting my teeth. What is going on? I kept asking myself as I paced.

I stopped by my desk and swept my hand across it, sending papers flying. The door opened, and Timur let himself into my office.

He opened his mouth in shock when he saw the papers scattered all over the floor. He looked up at me. I was wearing a scowl as I thought about Jenna ignoring me.

“I knocked several times, and there was no reply,” Timur said, staring at me with furrowed brows. “Are you okay?”

I gulped and turned around to face him. He had some files in his hands and walked up to the desk to place them there. Then, he bent down and began picking up the papers I’d scattered all over the office floor.

While he cleared my mess, I continued to pace. He finished and faced me again.

“I came in earlier, but you were not in the office,” Timur said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

I ignored him and kept pacing for a while longer before I suddenly stopped. I could have easily told him that I was going to lunch, but I wasn’t in the mood for that. I wasn’t sure what had me more pissed—was it because of the message or because she was no longer responding?

I kept telling myself that Jenna had seen my message and was now staring at it and laughing loudly, thinking of a lie to cook up to cover her indiscretion.

Timur moved toward the desk with the files and arranged them carefully on its surface as he began speaking without glancing at me.

“I brought in some documents for you too—”

“Jenna is not responding to my messages or calls,” I interrupted.