I reluctantly pulled away from the window and walked toward the bed to find my phone. I realized I hadn’t touched my phone that day, but it was early anyway.
I sat on the bed, picked up my phone, and unlocked it to check my messages. There were mainly unimportant messages, which I easily discarded after going through them.
However, I was prompted to check my archive to see the messages.
I’d received tons of unwanted messages from an unknown number, but from the contents, it was easy for me to tell who they were from.
They were from my ex, Leo, whom I’d been trying to avoid.
He’d sent me several messages after my wedding, but I ignored and deleted them because I no longer wanted anything to do with him. I even blocked him, but he wouldn’t stop; he kept sending more messages from several other numbers.
I’d tried to ignore them, but the more I did, the more he kept sending, so I decided to reply. Just maybe, if I told him off and put it in straightforward and clear language that I no longer wanted to talk to him, he’d finally stop harassing me. Otherwise, he might keep sending more.
I opened my keyboard to type a reply to him. After much thought on telling him off and making it clear enough that I no longer wanted him, I finally typed out the words I don’t want to talk to you or see you leave me alone.
I reread it several times to ensure it was clear enough and conveyed the message I wanted. Satisfied that he would get it and finally let me be, I hit the send button and dropped my phone on the bed, face down.
Receiving the text from Leo reminded me of how much I hated him. I wished he’d stop texting me so my memories of him would be gone for good. They were too traumatic to remember, and I wished I could forget.
I didn’t miss Leo, not even one bit.
The only thing I could do was recall the heartbreak he’d given me when we were still together. There wasn’t a single positive emotion from my side, which hurt me each time I thought of it.
However, I wished I could talk to him one last time; for some reason, I realized that I wanted to see him one more time so that I would be able to convey my rage and make him realize how much he’d hurt me. I wanted to curse him in his face, if possible, spit at him and slap him across the face, make him feel how hurt I was by his actions, and finally tell him off forever. I wanted to see him and do all those things so he’d finally leave me alone, but I knew it wasn’t possible; I wouldn’t be able to do it because my husband would never approve.
Though I hadn’t been married to Feliks for long, and I had yet to know him and the kind of person he was, there was one thing I’d come to learn—I was making sure to live by it to avoid getting into trouble with him—and that was that Feliks was capable of doing anything out of anger. I’d been unfortunate to witness a flash or two of his anger even though I wasn’t a direct partaker of it. Like the day he’d broken a vase in the living room while yelling at someone over the phone.
The anger wasn’t directed at me that day, but I felt it, felt the impact of it.
Now imagine all that anger directed at me, especially since he’d proven enough that he was jealous and wouldn’t want me close to any other man. I feared for my life and what he would do if he found me talking to another man. He may end up even ending my life.
The thought of that alone made me cringe, and I moved over to the side of the bed. It would have to be enough for me to message Leo and ask him to leave me alone. I believed that he wouldn’t try to contact me again after that.
My phone dinged again to indicate that another message had been sent, thereby interrupting my long train of thought and almost causing me to panic because I thought that Leo had managed to find a way to reach me again.
I let out a sigh of relief and a smile when I noticed the message was from my best friend, Violet.
Seeing her message brought a smile to my face because I’d missed her. I hadn’t gotten a chance to see her after I got married. My marriage had come out of the blue, like a total emergency, and she’d been mad at me earlier because she thought I kept it from her all along. We’d only got to iron things out recently.
My smile broadened as I unlocked my phone to view the message she’d sent: Let’s meet over the weekend, pleaseeee... She’d added lots of emojis to emphasize her emotions.
My smile further broadened as I read the message because I could almost picture her in my head, how she would have looked if she’d said that to my face.
I imagined her with her round, pink lips pouted, her cute brown eyes darting around her eye sockets in the most adorable manner.
I shook my head and almost burst into laughter when I remembered how Violet would always get me to do things for her or get things from me just by acting cute. Of course, she’d just gotten me to agree to see her by sending the text message and sounding cute. I wanted to see her too.
Sure, love! I typed my response and hit the send button before I heard a soft knock on my door.
“Who is it?” I asked, knowing it wasn’t Feliks because he usually wouldn’t knock on my door, and his knock certainly wouldn’t sound that soft.
I watched the doorknob twist, and the door was slowly pushed open to review the older housekeeper. I looked up to inquire why she was there.
“You have a delivery, and you are required to sign.”
“Oh!” I said with raised brows before eventually remembering I’d ordered something last week. “I’ll be right there.”
I dropped my phone on the bed and hurried downstairs to check for the delivery man.