I’d never felt so free.
The weather soon shifted. Clouds were everywhere, and the sunlight dimmed. I bent my legs and wrapped my hands around my knees while I rested my jaw against my knee.
The sun went behind a cloud, and the wind picked up, too. I found myself shivering.
My teeth began to fight against each other as the cold touched my bones. I shut my eyes and opened them again.
I noticed someone’s shadow by the side. It was huge until it came closer. Who else would be behind me if not Feliks? I didn’t bother to turn around.
I soon felt something over my body and lifted my head to look at him. He’d covered me with his jacket. I hadn’t seen him with it earlier, so I guessed he’d put it in the car.
But then, how did he know I’d get cold?
“Thank you,” I whispered.
He nodded and smiled. “Here.” He handed me a sandwich.
My eyes widened, but I quickly took the sandwich from him before I began to think. My cheeks flushed red, and I found myself smiling again.
Feliks cared about me enough to get me something to eat and even loaned me his jacket.
Feliks sat beside me, and I smiled at him and whispered, “Thank you,” again.
I hadn’t even noticed him leave, and here he was with something edible. We sat there quietly while I enjoyed the breeze.
I was beginning to warm up. All thanks to the jacket that Feliks provided for me. He didn’t cover himself, and I wondered if he wasn’t chilly.
“Don’t you feel cold?” I asked him.
“Do you want me to wear the jacket instead?” he asked without looking at me.
I decided to shut up and enjoy my sandwich. After I finished, I stood up. I was tired of sitting there like a lost sheep.
“Do you want to take a walk with me?”
I was beginning to feel more comfortable around him. He wasn’t that bad after all. He stared up at me, and I smiled at him with a pleading pout.
He didn’t say anything. He just stood up to his feet and began to walk with me.
“Let’s take a stroll into the jungle,” I suggested.
I’d been admiring the jungle surrounding the secluded beach, and I thought it was time to explore it since I was done exploring the beach.
“You want to take a stroll into the jungle?” Feliks scoffed. “Please tell me something a princess would really enjoy.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Don’t you see how soft you are?” he asked me. “You would get scared by wild animals and cling to me.”
I rolled my eyes. I knew Feliks was only teasing me, trying to scare me and make me change my mind, but I wouldn’t fall for it.
“That would never happen.”
“If you insist, then,” Feliks said, shrugging.
He led me back to the car and opened the trunk. I saw a small box there, and Feliks pulled it out. He opened it to reveal a change of clothes and more suitable shoes.