It wasn’t him.

He wanted me as I was—and so I gave completely in.

“Ceph,” I whispered, drawing one of his arms over me possessively and pushing his other hand down, so his fingers could take the place of his suckers on my clit. He did so eagerly, stroking it, making me come again as he thrust and purred.

“Elle of the Air,” he said, drawing out all of the sounds, like he found my name delicious. “My perfect and beautiful pearl.”

I didn’t know how long we were like that, satisfied and slowly spinning, because sometimes he would thrust again, setting off another wave—all I knew was that this was what it felt like to be loved.

I would never have to wonder or guess.

He would always be by my side—or failing that, in my mind—and I knew I was going to be his for the rest of my life.

“Yes,” he agreed, running the back of one of his hands across my cheek. “I am going to pull out now, Elle—but I will always be with you. I am never going to leave you again.”

I groaned as he retreated. A cloud of black burst from between my legs, and I got a strong sense of his pride.

“You are bred,” he said. I rolled over onto my stomach and he held me on his chest.

We both knew things weren’t going to work—but that didn’t stop us from wishing that they would.

“Good,” I told him, kissing him gently, before falling asleep right on top of him.

chapter 46


My little mate was tucked against me, and as ludicrous as the situation was—her being only a third of my total body mass, if that—it was as if someone had placed an anchor on my heart.

I wouldn’t move her till she woke up on her own. I stroked against her soft, soft skin. I didn’t really think she was bred—nor did she, I knew—but we had tried our hardest.

“Is that what you wanted?” I thought out at the spaceship.

Was that why it’d brought me here?

So that I could please Elle?

I didn’t get an answer, but the wavelength of light in the room that made her glow to me brightened a little.

“If you can see into my mind—why can’t you just tell me what you’re thinking?” I cast out, as loudly as I could.

It was a mistake—it roused Elle. “Cepharius?” she sleepily wondered.

I wound protective tentacles around her. “Shhhh, little pearl. Breeding is exhausting. Sleep.” She had done so well, and brought both of us so much pleasure.

“You should > too.” A voice I didn’t recognize came onto our shared ’qa—and before I could panic and wake Elle up, it pushed me down until I also fell under.

chapter 47


I woke up sleeping on Cepharius.


We were touching—and everything that’d gotten us to this point had not been the world’s most amazing dream.

It’d been real, and I was sore to prove it.