Page 106 of Guarded By the Kraken

Now, however, I was, and she was making gloriously helpless sounds as I began to thrust again.

“Yes,” I agreed, arching over her body with my own. The longer we mated, the more of her was in the water for me, making me glow every place it touched, until I felt like I was surrounded with her—and when her greedy breeding hole took me to my ring again, I knew that it was time.

I reached down and disconnected the piece of me that was in her from the rest of my body, pinching it off, and leaving it inside her.

Her eyes widened in horror. “Ceph!”

“Shhh,” I told her, lashing her knees closed with a tentacle quickly. “It is from the olden times. When breeding was not safe. If two krakens were twined for days, both would be vulnerable. This way, only one is, and the other can protect its mate.”

“But—but,” she stammered, looking then at me, like I had betrayed her. “Days?”

I smoothed a hand through her hair, which was falling loose. “Days. But I brought us food, that’s why I left—I am not going anywhere.”

“I—just,” she started, and I sensed her confusion, and then she looked at me, her eyes growing wide. “Oh my God,” she said, putting a fist against her belly as she started to pant.

“Breathe. Relax,” I reminded her, as she curled up beneath me, crying out in both passion and surprise.

I felt another kraken’s pleasure release nearby as Elle brought them off—what a strong brood this would be.

“More explaining,” Elle demanded, when she could think next.

“Just because my pumping arm isn’t attached doesn’t mean it’s not still part of me,” I said, looping myself around her, putting my face near hers. “You need to come and pull out all my seed.”

I felt her astonishment fade into protest, and then her whole lithe little body was wracked with another orgasm. “So quickly, so fast. Maybe because you are small. Or maybe because I have left so much seed in you,” I thought, beaming with pride.

“I just—Ceph—oh my God,” she gasped, shuddering again.

“Yes, my pearl. You are so strong—relax. Breathe. Let the breeding take.” I stroked a hand across her belly, feeling the muscles there begin to tense.

Her jaw was dropped and her eyes were wide—but one of her hands met mine me to keep it there. “Keep holding me?” she said, her voice starting to rise.

“Always, little pearl, always.”

I watched her orgasm for hours. Her eyes were rolled back in her head; she’d stopped making sense on the ’qa long ago, and if we had not been surrounded by water, I would’ve worried about her breathing.

As it was I wrapped myself around her, holding her, pulsing with her, rocking her, so she would know I was there, feeling me, even if she couldn’t see me or speak anymore.

I had no idea what was happening inside her small womb, but I imagined my seed there, as her pulses pulled it out of me, taking it deeply, holding it in herself until all of her was ready.

“Ceph?” she whispered on the ’qa, her writhing body finally settling.

“I am here,” I whispered back.

“I’m hungry,” she said, with a frown.

Such a good sign. It was hard to hide my elation. “Good. I will feed you,” I said, slowly letting her go.

She was still limp when I returned. “Open your mouth, my pearl,” I asked, and she did so, chewing slowly, coming back into her body bit by bit, but when she arrived she was angry at me.

“Cepharius, what was that?” she said, as I reached between her legs to pull my old pumping arm out to toss aside. It was only a third its prior size, she’d squeezed so much seed out of the thing.

“I would’ve warned you, I promise, if I had ever thought we would end up here,” I said.

“Are you injured?” she asked, suddenly panicked.

I laughed. “No. The opposite.” I took her hand and put it on my chest, where her name now was just a bright blur. “I have not felt this whole in a very long time.”

“But—your arm?” she asked nervously, looking for it.