It felt so right. I could feel him inside me, but I could also feel him as he felt me, too—what it meant for him to be pillaging me like this, how desperately he needed it. The sensation of both of us made me cry out, and for a second I thought I was losing my mind.
“I require this action,” he growled, making me grunt shamelessly with his wild thrusts. “The speed draws the seed up in me and prepares it to depart. Oh, little pearl, your breeding hole—is so good.” His thoughts devolved into chaotic sounds of pleasure—and his sucker at my clit picked up. I caught hold of his nearest tentacles.
“Ceph,” I warned, throwing back my head, and clenching my jaw.
More tentacles sank between my legs, pulling everything there wide, stretching me so open that the friction nearly became overwhelming; plus, his sucker wouldn’t stop. I could feel my clit swelling. It was getting harder and harder to deny myself.
“Your breeding hole aches for release, little pearl. Why won’t you give it up?”
“Don’t—want—things—to—be—over,” I managed to get out.
“Elle of the Air,” he said, slowing down, pulling himself out of me, making me moan. “As you are a human, I think you do not understand how mating works,” he said, filling me again, making me jiggle like a hand puppet as I groaned. “You are mine now. Time or distance may try to separate us—but nothing will.”
The second he thought it, I knew he meant what he said.
This was forever.
My hips thrust, and I gave a ragged shout, coming hard, my pussy clenching his pumping arm tight, and he snarled.
“You are mine.”
The thought flew through my mind and echoed until it was the only thing that was true.
I was his—and he was claiming me.
He was almost inverted around me, in his eagerness to keep me still for his pumping pleasure, and I?—
I ate it up.
Even when I’d had breasts, I’d never had men wanting to lose themselves like this in me before. I got the feeling that if someone interrupted Cepharius now, he’d kill them and then he’d go back to fucking me. It was intoxicating, especially because I could feel how all of his urges were surging through him on our ’qa. It was like doing one of those hot tub, cold-plunge things, except all the water was made of horny.
His emotions flowed through me just as fast as the friction, and I howled through another orgasm.
I was wrong if I thought that was going to slow him down though. All he did was spin both of us so that he was over me now, demanding, “Again.”
And I gave them to him. One after the other, pulled out of my body by his suckers and his pumping arm, falling faster and faster like close-set dominos. My throat would’ve been raw if I hadn’t been suspended in whatever safe liquid I was in, because it got to where I was screaming all the time—and then I felt him tense. He did it with his whole body, all the tentacles that were wound around me, his arms, and the muscles of his chest—and his impeccable rhythm began to stutter.
“Yes,” it was my turn to growl, and I bit his nearest tentacle, just because I could. “Give it to me!” And if my pussy was his breeding hole, then, “Breed me!” I demanded, like I was a queen.
I heard him bellow on our ’qa, and all of his skin went as dark as his pumping arm had been—then all I saw was white. Shudders of pleasure moved through my body, and I knew I was feeling him, same as he had felt me, this was what it was like for a kraken to come—and I almost passed out.
“Oh my God, Ceph,” I hissed, as he made a wild sound in time with each burst of his release in my mind. “It feels so good?—”
“It is because of you,” he snarled, shaking and trembling. “Take it, little pearl, take it.”
I did, and I cried out.
It felt like I was trapped in between two mirrors, making everything infinite for a moment in time.
I was him and he was me and we were both fucking coming.
“Shhh, little pearl, yes—feel the bliss when we move as one,” he said, still fucking me out of my mind.
“Cepharius,” I said, trying to tense. He hadn’t just fucked the other half of my thesis out of me—I could barely remember my name.
“Don’t fight it,” he said, stroking his hands over me, still thrusting. “It will last for as long as my release, if you let it.”
I rocked back into his chest, helplessly coming, in slow moving waves—until his hands roved over the space where my breasts had been. I trapped his large palms there, feeling naked on a level I hadn’t yet before—but I realized that was all me.