I felt Cepharius’s mind sorting through mine for clues, but I wasn’t sure how much help I’d be—I’d never wanted anything like this before.

But there was something about his raw desire on the ’qa that stoked something inside me, something primal, and as I gave that energy to him, he took it and reflected it back.

He released one of my thighs, giving it over to a tentacle instead, and ran his fingers through my hair, pulling my neck to the side, as though he were going to whisper, like I wasn’t going to hear him in my mind: “Do you know how badly I need you, little pearl?”

I pouted. This wasn’t what I had in mind. “You just showed me?—”

“That was why I needed you,” he interrupted my thoughts with a growl. “And all of that was true. But this is how,” he said, pulling himself almost all the way out of him, and then plunging himself back in.

I cried out in surprise, as I felt him purr in satisfaction, running through all the memories in my mind. “No one else has ever stretched your breeding hole this wide, have they?” he asked me, even though he already knew the truth.

I shook my head.

“And no one else has ever been this deep,” he said, taking another heavy thrust.

“No!” I shouted out, shuddering against him.

He downshifted easily. “Are you okay, my pearl?”

“That was an agreement-no, not a real-no,” I said with a pant.

“You are the most precious thing in the all of the water,” he said, smoothing his cheek against my own. “So I am just checking.”

I thought about explaining the concept of safewords to him, but then he started to thrust again, and distracted me.

“You like being full,” he said, sounding amused. “And from here on out, nothing else will do for you but my arm.”

I groaned as he stroked—and he wasn’t wrong. There was no way I was going to be able to go back to a man after this. If I had to get out of the water, I’d buy a house by the sea, with one of those widow’s walks, so I could look out at the ocean the whole time—or maybe I’d go down to the beach at night, take off my pants, and let the tide fuck me, pretending it was him.

“Your mind is so interesting, little pearl,” Ceph mused. “But it is also very loud. Let me pump you quiet again.”

For a millisecond I resisted—I wanted to be too smart to ever be fucked stupid—but then in action...fucccccckkkkk.

“Yes,” I heard his mind hiss in triumph. “Your breeding hole feels so good, little pearl, so tightly wrapped around me. Take me to my ring, let me fill you up.”

My entire body was rocking against him with his pounding. I slid a hand between us so that I could grind on my fingers—and he removed himself at once. His actions caused a cloud of black to spray around us.

“Hey!” I protested—but then he spun me.

“I want to touch all of you,” he said, turning to hold me open, my back to his chest, and shoving his way back inside—only this time one of his tentacles wrapped across my waist, dipping a sucker to my clit.

I groaned, arching my hips, which let more of him in. I couldn’t even see the ring now, so it had to be close—but I could watch the rest of him, and everything looked obscene, the way he kept me spread open, the color of his grasping tentacles, and then the heated shade of his thrusting flesh.

“Yes, witness this,” Ceph groaned in my mind. “Let me in, little pearl. Take me—I’m so close, and once I’m in—” He thrust, I felt myself stretch, and then he made a sound on our ’qa like I’d never heard.

And even though I was underwater with him—it set me aflame.

That was the only word I could think of to use for it, and it was a poor substitution.

All I knew was that his thoughts called to me, my mind as open to him as my thighs were, and I was begging for it.

“Please. Please-please-please.”

“Oh yes, little pearl,” he promised, enveloping me in his mantle, his puckering sucker tugging at my clit—and I realized why he needed to sink up to his ring.

It helped to anchor him inside me so the rest of his flexible pumping arm could pulse in and out of his sheath like a fucking jackhammer.