“How will I be happy if I have to exchange one love for another?” I take a couple of deep breaths. “I can’t choose between my bothers and my wife, and she doesn’t expect me to.”

Mason covers his mouth and wipes a tear away with a knuckle. I look to Falcon, and the relieved look on his face has me standing up. I walk around the table and squash myself in between them.

Falcon places his arm around my shoulders. “You have no idea how happy I am to hear that.”

“Makes two of us,” Mason mutters as he nudges me with his shoulder.

“Makes three of us,” I add while sending up a prayer that I’ll never have to make a choice like that.

After a while of getting swept up in our thoughts, Falcon says, “When we’re in our forties there's a good chance our kids will be living in this suite.”

“Fuck,” Mason grumbles.

“If I have a daughter I’m moving in with her, “I say which has Falcon and Mason chuckling. “I need to learn how to fire a shotgun.”

“Now there’s a hobby the three of us can take up,” Falcon agrees.While we’re preparing for our final exams, I go up to Falcon and Mason’s suite while I study.

My mom has been picking Lee up every other day and showing her around so Lee can get acquainted with where all the different stores are for when we get our own place. Even Dad came by on Saturday to take Lee for a driving lesson.

I’m glad they’re getting to know each other better, and it makes me feel less guilty about spending so little time with her.

“Damn, I hate law,” I mutter as I stare at my laptop.

“I can’t see shit. Where's the eye drops?” Falcon asks.

“Over there.” Mason points toward the dining table where Layla left a study kit she made for us, without looking away from his screen.

It’s funny how slowly time goes by when you have to do something boring.

Mason’s phone starts ringing, and still keeping his eyes on the screen, he pats the cushion next to him until he finally finds his phone, and answer with a grumble, “Chargill.”

Suddenly the laptop gets shoved to the side, and Mason jumps up. “Are you sure?

When relief swipes his feet from under him, and he sits back down, I move my laptop to the side. “Falcon,” I call, while I lean forward, waiting for Mason to finish the call.

“Thank you so much,” Mason says. “Thanks for letting me know.” He listens and then responds, “You have a good day as well.”

Falcon comes out of the room, blinking from putting in eyedrops.

Mason sets his phone down on the table and says, “That was the DA. They charged Serena with assault and placed her under house arrest.”

“Awesome,” Falcon says as he sits down. “That alone has to be hell for her.”

“They’re going to try and get a two year community service sentence.”

“Oh, she’s going to love that,” I chuckle. “I’d pay to see her waist-deep in a dumpster.”

“I just feel relieved that she’ll receive some sort of punishment. It would’ve sucked if she found a way to buy herself out of the case going to court,” Falcon adds.

“The court case itself will go on for a while, and she’ll be stuck at home for the duration. So that’s an added bonus,” I comment.

“Yes, shit,” Mason darts up and rushes to the door. “I’m going to tell Kingsley.”

When he’s out the door, I look to Falcon who’s still blinking.

“How many drops did you put in?” I ask, and getting up I walk to his bathroom and wet a facecloth under cold water. When I get back to him, I say, “Lean your head back and close your eyes.”

“Yes, Dad,” Falcon grumbles.

I wipe gently over his eyes, and then he smiles. “That’s nice. Just keep doing it for a while.”

“You can be glad I love you,” I mumble under my breath.Lee(Two months later…)

“We’re all going,” Mom says, wagging her eyebrows at Lake.

I’m still trying to get used to calling Lake’s parents Mom and Dad, but it’s getting easier every time I see them.

“Just the two of you, or everyone?” Lake asks.

“The entire CRC clan,” Dad answers. “Even Julian is coming. Warren didn’t give him a choice.” He lets out a chuckle. “Since the divorce proceedings started and the DA charged Clare, Warren can finally get on with his life.”

I feel sorry for Mr. Reyes, Julian, and Falcon that Clare turned out to be such a monstrous person.

“We’re in Africa are we going to?” I ask. Last I spoke to Layla she was waiting to hear where her father will be situated once summer vacation started.

“Warren spoke with Layla’s father, and it seems we’re all heading to Namibia,” Dad answers.

“Cool,” Lake says, “Where in Africa is that?”

Mom lets out a chuckle. “South-West coast.”