“And now that we’re married,” I begin to say, trying to find words that won’t make this awkward for her, “you know you can ask or tell me anything, right?”

She nods, smiling at me before she returns her gaze to the road.

“So you don’t have any questions about being intimate?” I try again.

This time she doesn’t look at me, but instead, she brings her one hand up to her cheek, pressing her fingers against her blushing skin. “It’s too embarrassing,” she whispers.

I reach a hand over to her hands which are resting on her lap, and I give them a squeeze before I return mine to the steering wheel. “It’s okay. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”

After a little while, she whispers, “Will it hurt?”

I have done so much research on that subject, which I’m thankful for right now. “It’s different for everyone. If…” Shit, how do I say this? “If your body… is well prepared, it shouldn’t hurt. There might be some initial discomfort.”

“Really?” she asks, a hopeful look on her face as she glances at me.

I reach over for her hand again. “Really.” And because I don’t want to discuss the subject in the heat of the moment, I ask, “Are you on any form of contraceptive?”

She shakes her head.

“In that case, I’ll wear protection.”

“Why?” she asks, with a look of confusion on her face. “How will I conceive so I can bear an heir then?”

“We can wait until we’re older. We’re not in a rush… are we?”

“We aren’t? Won’t your parents be upset?”

“No. They were married eight years before they had me.”

A wide smile spreads over her face, and she completely relaxes next to me.

“Is that what you’ve been worried about? That I’d expect you to fall pregnant right away?”

When she nods, I’m honestly surprised, and then she explains, “I thought that’s why the marriage was arranged, so I could provide a child.”

“It’s settled then. I’ll wear protection until we both agree we’re ready to have children.”

“Okay.” She leans her head back and just watches me with a smile around her mouth.

I’m so glad we had this talk. It makes me feel better knowing we’re on the same page moving forward.

When we arrive at the hotel, I check us in. Once we walk into the presidential suite, I feel the effects from the day’s excitement.

Lee closes the door while I go place our bags in the bedroom.

Coming back into the living room, I see Lee glancing out the window. I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her, resting my chin on her head.

She brushes a fingertip over my wedding band, and she says, “Thank you for the beautiful rings you had made.”

“You’re welcome.”

She pulls her ring off and takes a closer look at the gemstone.

“It’s Alexandrite. I chose the stone because it’s rare, just like our love.” She turns around in my arms, so she’s facing me.

Then she lifts the ring closer to her face, and I watch her lips part when she sees the inscription. “In this life, the next, and thereafter.” When she looks up at me, there’s so much happiness on her face, and it resonates inside me. “It’s perfect.”

She puts the ring on again, and then I bend down and placing a hand under her knee, I pick her up. “I’m carrying my wife to bed on our wedding night,” I tease.

Walking into the bedroom, I set her down on the bed, then press a kiss to her mouth. “You get ready first.”

“I’ll be quick.” She grabs her bag and darts into the bathroom while I go switch off the light in the living room.

I check my phone for any messages, while Lee finishes in the bathroom. When she comes out, wearing a bathrobe, I grab my t-shirt and sweatpants, and as I walk by her, I quickly press a kiss to her lips.

I shower and go through my routine thinking how awesome it’s going to be now that I get to fall asleep with her in my arms every night.

When I’m done, and I open the door, I see Lee sitting on the side of the bed with a slight smile on her face, and she looks deep in thought.

She glances up when I get close to her, and instantly her smile widens, and the gesture makes my heart expand with love for her.

“You must be tired after today. Let’s get some sleep,” I say.

She stands up and bringing her hands to my face, she pulls me down so she can press a kiss to my mouth. Thinking it’s a goodnight kiss, I begin to pull back, but then she stretches up on her toes and her lips part against mine.

I take a step closer and wrap my arm around her waist, tilting my head to the side.

Brushing her tongue over mine, Lee deepens the kiss, and it takes only seconds for heat to rush through my veins.