Locking eyes with her, I whisper, “I’ll always do my best to make you happy, Lee.”

The emotion overwhelms her, and it makes her eyes sparkle.LeeHas it really been only a couple of weeks?

It feels like Lake has always been a part of me in some way.

“Do you think we met in a past life?” I ask softly.

“If we did, I must’ve done something right to meet you again in this life.” Lake’s answer fills me with so much love and appreciation for him.

I lean over him and press a tender kiss to his mouth, then I whisper, “I’ll love you so much in this life, the deities will have no choice but to give you back to me in the next life.”

Lake moves his hand up to my neck, while his eyes soften with tenderness before he pulls me closer until our mouths touch again.

The first kiss was a learning experience, but this one feels like a promise. His lips part as they caress mine, and when I open mine, his tongue softly brushes against my bottom one, and it sends a flurry of intense ripples racing over my skin.

Lake pushes me back, so he’s half leaning over me, and his tongue brushes alongside my lip again before he slowly enters my mouth. The sensations he creates within me, leaves me marveling at how his touch can feel so different from any other touch. He wakes every cell in my body, and like grass fields sway as they try to keep up with the wind, I lean toward him.

With a wild heartbeat, I imitate the movements of his tongue, and it makes a soft groan escape him.

He brings a hand to my side, and his fingers curl into me. I lift my arms and wrap them around his neck, losing myself in the kiss. Then Lake slips his hand under the hem of my shirt and feeling his skin against mine, has me gasping for my next breath as tingles spread out from the touch.

He pulls me tightly against his body, his hand tracing a tender path up my side, where he stops to tighten his grip over my ribs before he guides his hand to my back and his fingers trail up my spine.

My body begins to tremble against his as the kiss grows with urgency. Our tongues explore each other, tasting with passionate strokes until we’re both breathless and gasping for air.

Lake has to break the kiss and pull back because the intense moment between us has swept me far away to a place where restrictions and rules don’t exist.Chapter 17LakeWhile I’m in class, I hardly hear a word the professor says. My mind keeps drifting to our upcoming wedding and everything we need to do to make sure we succeed in getting rid of Je-ha Park.

I only realize the class is over when the other students get up. I grab my stuff and rush out of the aisle and down the stairs.

I get to the suite before Falcon and Mason, and I quickly shower. Dressing in a suit, I grab a tie and walking out of my room, I call out, “Mason, Falcon, are you ready?”

Falcon comes out of his room while shrugging on his jacket, and seconds later, Mason walks into the living room. He places his watch and cufflinks on the coffee table, then walks over to me. Taking the tie from my hand, he flips my collar up, and while he’s busy, his eyes meet mine. “Today’s the day. We’re going to get this investment.”

Grinning, I say, “You are.”

When he’s done, he brushes his hands over my shoulders. “No one fucks with my baby brother and gets away with it.”

“I’m only four months younger than you,” I remind him while a grateful smile lifts the corners of my mouth.

“Let’s go. This is one meeting we can’t be late for,” Falcon says, as he grabs the car keys. “Mason, don’t forget your watch and cufflinks. I’ll drive so you can put them on.”

“The folder,” Mason reminds Falcon.

“Fuck, I almost forgot the most important thing.” Falcon lets out a chuckle as he jogs back to his room to grab our proposal.When we walk through the California branch of Indie Ink Publishing, my stomach begins to churn with nerves.

We take the elevator to the top floor and the doors open to a reception area.

“Good afternoon,” the receptionist greets, “How can I help you?”

“Mason Chargill from CRC Holdings to meet with Rhett Daniels,” Mason replies.

“Please take a seat while I notify Mr. Daniels.”

While we wait, Mason looks over the proposal.

A door at the far end of the hallway opens, and a woman walks out of the office, followed by a man.

“So it’s settled then, my babykins.” She excitedly claps her hands. “Ohhh, I can’t wait. I’ll finally have all my chunks of hunks in one place at the same time. I’ve worked the sparkle clear out of my bedazzled ass to make this happen so you better not call me with an excuse.”