“Conner is such an amazing father,” Savvy said, watching the handsome wolf shifter race his daughter, Taryn, down the pasture on horseback.
“Yes, he is,” Beth said, watching her mate fondly. “I’m so glad that he was able to break the memory spell Mother put on him, making him forget us. It’s sad that he had to lose ten years with Taryn because of that witch, but he’s more than making up for it now.”
“Your story is like a reverse fairy tale. Instead of the damsel needing rescuing, it was Prince Charming,” Savvy said.
“I know, right,” Beth said. “And it literally took a kiss to wake him up.”
“As I recall, it went a bit further than a kiss,” Savvy teased.
“Okay, so maybe it took a passionate night of lovemaking, but the end result was the same.” Beth laughed.
Savannah, Savvy, to her friends, watched Taryn laughing as she and her horse, Pegasus, flew down the pasture, neck and neck with her father, Conner, on his horse, Zephyr. Conner’s brother, Zac, was the alpha of the Nightshade Wolf Shifter Pack.
“Do they have any rodeos coming up?” Savvy asked.
“Not for a while. Conner set up some barrels for Taryn to practice with and they practice breakaway roping with a couple of calves so she can keep up with her skills. I know she would love to travel around, but now that we have the horse ranch, it’s not practical.”
Savvy pointed at Beth’s rounded stomach and said, “You couldn’t handle everything by yourself, even if you do have a couple of ranch hands.”
“True enough. I’m doing well to waddle from one place to another.”
“Not to change the subject so abruptly, but have you heard from your mother?”
“No. I told her that if she came near me or my family again, I would end her. I hate the idea of taking a life, but she almost killed Conner twice. She knows that I mean it because, even though she is a dark witch, I’m more powerful. So is Taryn,” Beth said.
“Mother wishes she was as powerful as your mother,” Savvy said. “I guess that’s why she decided to join the dark coven. I’m just glad to have left Wyoming and be away from them and all the stress. I really do appreciate you guys letting me live here with you until I can find a job and get my own place, especially with you being newlyweds and all.”
“I couldn’t love you more if you were my own sister. Taryn loves you and Conner adores you. He knows that your magic, along with Taryn’s and my healing magic helped save his life.”
“You’re a doll,” Savvy said.
“I know,” Beth replied. “Ooof.”
“What’s the matter?” Savvy asked, immediately concerned.
“The baby just kicked me. I’m not so sure that he isn’t going to be a mule shifter instead of a wolf shifter.”
Father and daughter led their horses back to the barn and brushed them down. “She looks so much like her daddy,” Savvy said.
“I know. If it wasn’t for her red hair, you wouldn’t even know that she was mine.”
“I’m just so glad that you have the love of your life. That is so precious.”
“I hope that someday, you can find yours,” Beth said.
“You know that possibility died with Gabe when that drunk driver ran the red light and rammed into Gabe’s motorcycle.” Savvy sucked in a huge breath of air, trying to quell the pain that still squeezed her heart every time she thought of him. “I’m just glad that you haven’t gone on at me and told me that I just have to get over him and move on with my life.”
“Of course not. You didn’t do that to me when I was missing Conner all those years,” Beth said. “I wouldn’t even if I didn’t feel your pain. You can’t just stop loving someone or missing someone on command.”
“If only it was that easy,” Savvy said. “But at least I have you, Taryn, and Cassia.”
The little dragonfly, who was Savvy’s familiar, pressed her face against Savvy’s cheek. You’ll always have me. I love you.”
“Aw, shucks. I love you, too.”