Page 3 of Gemini

“You like to talk,” I said.

“Only when I’m nervous,” he said, looking around. “And I—I had to step out of my comfort zone. So, yeah, I’m kinda just—”

I placed a hand on his shoulder, breaching his physical space to test the water. I wanted to know how much muscle he was hoping to put on his current frame, and also whether or not he objected to physical touch. His shoulder tensed up under my hand, like he was flexing. “Relax,” I said. “A little bit about me, I’m a flight attendant, I love to travel, and I can spot you, if you want to go lay down on the bench, I’ll stand over you and make sure you get some reps in.”

His shoulders sunk finally, there was relief on his face. “Thank you, I appreciate that. And by you size, I figured you knew your way around all of this equipment.”

“My size?” I asked, smirking as I released my hand from him. “A compliment.”

“Yeah, yeah, absolutely a compliment,” he said. “That takes a lot of work. Like, I bet nobody would fuck with you.”

“Yeah, nobody fucks me,” I said, almost biting my tongue. The gym was the prime place to flirt, I just rarely found myself in front a twink who wasn’t going to yoga or pole dancing.

“Right,” he said.

I really wanted to say, because I’m a top, but that would’ve given up parts of my identity I didn’t want to throw out there so soon.

Spence laid on the bench, positioning his head under the bar. I considered the weights he had on their to be baby weights, they were great for him, but I would’ve lost muscle benching them. I took my position above his head, and if he looked up at me, he might’ve caught a glimpse at my bulge sticking out. It wasn’t intentional, exercise was the number one cause of involuntary chubbed cocks. The second cause were twinks, and I was being hit by the both.

He’d looked at me from his position, and I knew he’d caught an eyeful of my bulge. My shorts were long enough that he didn’t catch a full look. But something about that little twink twinkle in his eye told me he probably wouldn’t mind seeing up my shorts.

He did a set of ten reps, pushing it to his limit. “You think I should try more weight?”

“I—I’m not your trainer, I shouldn’t be giving you that type of advice,” I admitted, although my advice was to stop adding muscle altogether. I’m sure his body was perfect, but that wasn’t my place to say, just to think. “Do you want to add more weight?”

“I don’t know.” He shrugged. “I’m so useless to this stuff. My ex—” he locked eyes with me. “Ex-boyfriend, he was into sports, so he was better at this.” He looked me over again, eyes darting to my cock, then bouncing up my body like he shouldn’t have done it.

That’s when I hit bingo. This was flirting, and I was so used to everyone flirting with me, that I was sometimes caught off-guard when I wanted to flirt. “You want to do a couple more reps, and then I think I’m ready to go shower,” I said.

Spence tugged nervously at the end of his T-shirt, his hand suspiciously close to his waist. I wondered if he was brushing it against his cock. Although I was fairly certain he was. “Yeah, sure.” And once he was laid down, my suspicion was confirmed, seeing his pin straight body on the bench with that bump at his waist. There was no hiding a boner in that position.

In position to spot him, I squatted a little near his head, my chubbed cock an inch from his head. He looked back and with a hand, he cupped my cock and quickly pulled away. He gulped hard, his cock twitching in his basketball shorts. “I think—” he let out, his voice squeaking. “I think I need to shower now.”

I stood. “Is that an invite?”

Wetting his bottom lip with his tongue, he nodded. “Yeah.”


I’d been going to the gym for three months, not religiously, but I was there to put on some muscle and maybe learn to defend myself in case of an attacker. It was worth noting I’d never actually been attacked, but my mom had given me the fear.

There were a couple things I knew to be true about visiting the gym. I knew it would get smelly because everyone in there was working out, so I went in the morning before that could happen. I also knew that exercise got the blood pumping, and blood pumped wherever it wanted, and usually that landed right in my cock. And on the short list of things I knew to be true, the gym was full of hot men who looked like they could break me in two, and that struck a primal chord within me, and I hadn’t known it before joining a gym, but knew kink unlocked.

I hadn’t acted on any of my urges, mostly because I was twig begging to be broken in the eyes of these men. That was until today. There must’ve been something in the water this Friday morning because I grabbed a cock pressing itself against a pair of shorts. I was never an initiator of anything. Even at work, my performance reports were always, take initiative, while I just liked to be told what to do.

In the gym locker room, following Oscar, he went to his locker and I went to mine. We were back to back. I’d only managed to switch out my shoes for my shower slides while staring into the void of my locker, anxiety questioning my decisions. Oscar pulled out a towel and turned to me. “Cubical or open?”

“Huh?” I was experiencing an out-of-body moment, staring down at me from above, my knees nearly buckling to the overpowering man stood in front of me.

“The showers,” he said. “There are private cubicles, or do you use the communal open ones?”

I knew this was an invite to shower with him, but there was also a need to ask for him to clarify exactly what he meant. I opened my mouth, a single vowel fell out.

There was nobody else in the locker room. “You want to play in public, or in private,” he said, leaning an arm on the locker beside me, bridging the gap between our bodies. “You do want to play, right?”

He clarified for me anyway. “Private,” I whispered, wetting my lips like they’d become perpetually dry. “Please.”

“Please,” he repeated. “That’s cute.”