I lifted my hand and returned the wave with my own smug smile. It was catty, but she had made yesterday sound like they had been alone and as if they talked all the time. That was on purpose. She was trying to mark her territory with a pretty smile and a pretend attempt at friendship. The entire thing had been premeditated. Starting with having me sit beside her. That sneaky little bitch.

Storm climbed behind the wheel and closed his door a little harder than necessary. Turning my attention back to him, I tried to figure out what was going on. Was he mad now? Because he sure as hell didn’t have a reason to be mad at me. I had done nothing wrong.

“Are you not gonna wave goodbye to Lula Mae?” I asked sarcastically.

He smirked and backed up the Jeep. “Nope.”

“I’m not sure her heart can handle it,” I told him. “She might just expire from the pain.”

He cut his eyes at me. “Keep it up.”


“Acting jealous.”

I laughed. “I am not jealous.”

“Yeah, the fuck you are.”

I crossed my arms over my chest. “Well, she did run into your arms, and you sure looked happy about it. What if I hugged some man like that?”

“I’d kill him.”

I rolled my eyes. “No, you wouldn’t.”

He glanced from the road that headed back to his house and at me. “Yes, I would.”

When he turned his serious scowl back to watch where he was going, I sat there and realized that he really believed he would.

“That’s a little unfair. I didn’t kill Lula Mae,” I replied. But I’d have liked to pull her hair and thrown her to the ground.

“But you were jealous.”

“And you wouldn’t be? You are threatening to kill someone.”

He licked his lips, then flicked his gaze over to me. “That’s right. I’d kill them. You are jealous. I’m possessive, obsessed, whatever you want to label it. It’s a much stronger emotion.”

“I think the word you’re looking for is unhinged,” I said.

“Oh, it is. It’s also real.”

The thrill that coursed through me was wrong. I shouldn’t react that way. But I couldn’t help it. I chewed on my bottom lip as we approached the house. Storm didn’t go toward the garage, but veered to the right, and we started to drive around the house.

What the heck was he doing?

“Where are we going?” I asked as he reached the back side of the property in front of the peach trees. Seeing them reminded me of Lula Mae, and the image of Storm kissing her soured my mood again.

Storm turned off the Jeep, then climbed out. I watched him stalk around the Jeep like a man on a mission until he came to my door and opened it, then pulled me out, but didn’t put me down. Instead, he tossed me over his shoulder and slammed the door behind us.

“STORM!” I screamed, hitting his ass while I stared down at the ground as he began to walk.

He didn’t respond, even as I screeched and hit him again. The smell of peaches grew stronger, the farther he took us into the trees. I gave up and let my arms hang, along with the rest of me. The man was crazy. I had no other explanation for this.

When he finally stopped, he took my waist and slid me down the front of his body until my feet were back on the ground. I’d never been this deep inside the trees. I looked around, then back at him.

“Why are we here?” I asked, placing a hand on my hip.

Storm began unsnapping his shirt, and my eyes dropped to his chiseled chest as it was slowly revealed. When he shrugged out of it, I soaked in the sight of his corded arms with the sunshine beating down on him. He dropped it to the ground, then took his cowboy hat and tossed it on top of the shirt.

“Get naked,” he told me as his hands went to the buckle on his belt.

“What?” I asked, breathless, as I watched his tanned hands working his belt free.

“Briar,” he said, snapping me out of the striptease I was getting, and I looked back up at his face.

“Yeah?” I asked, slightly dazed.

“I need you naked, baby.”


He grinned and nodded as he dropped his belt. “I’m gonna lay you down and eat that sweet pussy before I fuck you. I need you naked to do that.” He bent down and pulled off his boots.

“Out here?” I asked him, reaching for the hem of my sundress.

He stood up straight, then shoved his jeans down, then stepped out of them. The tight black boxer briefs were all he had left on.

Holy hell, would the sight of his body never get old? Would I always become a wet, panting mess when he was naked?

Storm took my dress from me and jerked it over my head, then discarded it before reaching behind me to unsnap my bra. “You love these trees. You sit out on the back porch and smile so damn sweet every morning with your coffee. And now, someone has tainted it for you. With a really sloppy, bad kiss, by the way. It wasn’t even good. But it still bothered you,” he said as my bra fell away. Then, he looked into my eyes as his hands slid over my bare breasts. “I won’t let that happen. No one takes something you enjoy away from you. I won’t allow it. So,” he said as he lowered himself to his knees and pressed a kiss to my stomach while his fingers slid into the sides of my panties, “I’m gonna fuck you out here. Bring you to orgasm over and over again. Until any thought of that shitty kiss is wiped from your mind. All you’ll see is the trees you love and know I ate you like my favorite dessert, filled you with my cum, and worshipped you out here.”