Side-eyeing Grayson, Carl said, “You ignored my messages for help.”
“You seem very capable of finding roundabouts.” They seated themselves on the short driftwood, arms and legs barely a seashell apart.
Carl’s phone buzzed in his pocket, and he checked the message. “Look, Sage sent a picture of her cousin. He . . . really pops.”
Grayson’s head bowed close to Carl’s as he peeked at the screen. “Used a filter for sure.”
“Good jawline. Kind-looking eyes.”
Grayson had his judgy eyes riveted to Poppy’s face. “Plain.”
“Don’t worry,” Carl murmured, “he doesn’t have to do it for you.”
“That one picture is enough to have your heart thumping again?”
“For a fling, I’m . . .curious.” Carl looked at Grayson and admitted something he’d barely let himself think. “Do you think . . .”
“Do I think, what?”
“I was sure I’d say no to Sage when she first suggested meeting Poppy. I mean, I’m here to heal, not . . . But a fling sounds safe. Doesn’t have to mean more. And yet . . .”
Grayson drew in a breath. “Yet?”
“Am I using ‘fling’ as an excuse? Do I actually want to do this as an act of moving on? Am I after proof that passion can spark again?” Carl hummed. “Am I getting over my ex?”
Grayson swallowed and prodded a blunt-tipped finger at his phone. “With this guy?”
Carl sighed. “You sound extremely disbelieving. I get it, your heart’s not quite ready to move on. It will, though. One day, you’ll meet someone and they’ll jumpstart that heart of yours. Maybe quite suddenly.”
“Suddenly,” Grayson repeated tightly and kicked a spray of sand towards the water as he laughed hollowly. “Is this photo your ‘suddenly’?”
“In any case, some flirting over dinner might make me more confident that I’m close to a suddenly. Hmm, what should I wear?”
“It’ll be colder at night and Sage doesn’t often use her heat pump. Heap a few jerseys on. Puff yourself up.”
“That might not look attractive.”
“Even better. That way if you hit it off, you’ll know it’s not solely for your looks.”
“But for a fling, isn’t looks an essential part?”
“If it’s a fling for a confidence boost, you’ll be more empowered if he enjoys you with all your layers on.”
Grayson had a point. He’d feel far more confident in himself and ready for a relationship if he knew his personality was as attractive as his face. “You might be onto something.”
“I have a jacket made out of an old sleeping bag you could use. Made it for my mum when I was at intermediate school.”
“I think I saw it alongside your tap shoes. I’ll figure it out.”
“You’re really considering a fling?”
Carl bumped his shoulder against Grayson’s. “And here’s a bonus: you’ll finally stop thinking I’m after you.”
Grayson folded his arms and scoffed. “Or you’re trying to make me jealous.”
Light, ticklish laughter burst out of Carl. “You really are an adorable narcissist.” He jumped to his feet, pulled Grayson off the driftwood and raced with him to the water, where a wave raced over their feet—a mighty cold bite that had Carl laugh-swearing. Grayson was used to it and cheekily kicked water over Carl.
That’s it, game on. Grayson was much too quick for Carl to spray though, and it was him who ended up drenched. They made their way back to their bikes, sand caking their feet. “That felt good,” Carl said. “I was starting to feel nervous about dinner but that helped. Thanks.”
“You? Nervous?” Grayson said. “I find you very forthright.”
“With you it’s different. Tonight, I’ll be flirting with a man.”
“What on earth does that make me?” Grayson grumbled.
Carl snuck up the stairs in front of him and patted his head. “You look like a dog who lost its favourite toy.”
Grayson pretended to bite Carl’s hand as Carl yanked it back, laughing. “I know it’s hard to accept that not everyone is in love with you—”
Carl’s heel banged into the step and he started to fall backwards. Grayson shot out his arms and caught him around his shoulders, but the angle was off and the balance just not there. In a tumble they landed against the stairs, Grayson draped over Carl.
Carl blinked, and laughed over a river of shivers.
A fling with someone he didn’t know was digestible. Safe.
There was nothing safe about a fling with a friend. Especially when that friend was a renowned heartbreaker.
Grayson was a warm pressure against his vibrating body, and it spurred Carl’s incessant laughter on. He puffed each bout into the sea-salted crevice of Grayson’s neck.
Carl wouldn’t be that stupid. He’d continue to ignore all these bouts of electrical sizzliness. He’d absolutely slap himself silly if . . .
He’d never become a groupie.
A shiver rolled through Grayson, and the echo of it halted Carl’s laughter.
Grayson finally found purchase on the steps either side of Carl and pushed up on his arms, taking the weight off Carl’s chest. He stared down at Carl’s face with big dark eyes, and Carl reached up and pinched his cheek. “We keep falling.”