Garvin shook his head. “I saw a bear right over there, turned the four-wheeler around, and figured I’d sleep at home. I had no intention of waking up spooned to a grizzly.” He grinned as he leaned close once more. “I’d much rather spoon with you. The bear is rough, and those claws….”
“Are you saying you have firsthand experience knowing how bears are hung?” William teased.
Garvin shook his head. “Come on. Let’s head back.” He started the snowmobile before heading upward to turn around. William followed, and soon they were on their way back down the pass and toward the valley, heading toward the setting sun. His cheeks ached, and William realized it was from smiling so much. He was happy. He never would have thought that being up here, out in the cold, could give him this kind of joy. Of course, he knew a lot of that was the man leading the way home. But still, William couldn’t help turning around to take in one last look before they reached the tree line and the unobstructed view of the mountains was gone, tucked away safely behind the trees, waiting for their next visit.
Partway through the way back, Garvin paused. “Are you getting cold?” Without the sun, it seemed colder, but William was warm enough. He shook his head, and they continued their ride back, pulling into the trading post fifteen minutes later.
“Did you have a good ride?” Enrique asked as they parked the snowmobiles. Sasha hurried out, excited to see both of them.
“I did. Thank you. It was amazing.” William hugged Enrique before jumping on the back of Garvin’s snowmobile, holding him tight, the vibration of the motor stoking the heat that came from deep inside him.
“Are you ready?” Garvin asked. William scooted closer, pressing right to Garvin. “I’d say you are.” He molded against him, and William groaned.
“Let’s get home. I want a warm bed with you in it,” he growled, and Garvin took off, zipping quickly over the snow, with Sasha running behind.
William knew the drill when they got back. He got his gear off and stoked the fire. Then he went to the bedroom with Garvin right behind him, tumbling them both onto the bed.
“That was amazing out there,” William said as Garvin kissed him, tugging off William’s overshirt and then his pants.
“You know, long underwear may be warm, but it sure as hell isn’t sexy,” Garvin growled as he tried to get William’s off and the dang stuff got caught at his feet. William was afraid Garvin was just going to leave it there dangling off the end of the bed, but with a final pull, it came loose, and Garvin tossed it over his shoulder and pulled off the last of his own clothes.
William sighed as Garvin pressed against him, then pulled up the covers. It was cold, but Garvin engulfed William between his lips, and William gasped. It seemed that he was just as worked up as William, and that was damned fine.
“You don’t need to be gentle or slow,” William growled.
“I don’t?” Garvin asked.
“Fuck no!” William guided Garvin’s lips to his, nipping at them as he kissed him hard. “I’ve been bouncing with an engine vibrating my ass and balls for hours. If you want slow, this ain’t the time, trust me.” He reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a condom before pressing the foil packet into Garvin’s hand.
“I see.” He ripped it open and rolled it on, and William wrapped his legs around Garvin’s hips.
“What the hell is taking you so—” William gasped. Garvin entered him hard and fast, sending a jolt of energy racing through him.
“Not going to be gentle,” Garvin warned, but William pressed against him, pulling Garvin deep. He began to move, William right along with Garvin, wanting him so bad. Their coupling was fast, hot, sweaty, and damned mind-blowing. William held on to Garvin hard enough he might have left bruises. From the way Garvin pounded his ass, William might not sit comfortably for days… and he couldn’t care less. All he wanted was Garvin, and he was getting a crash course in the man.
“Don’t stop” was all William could muster as the room heated until his entire body felt like it was on fire. Garvin knew just where to touch him.
“I won’t, I promise,” Garvin told him, withdrawing all the way and then sliding deep inside William, taking his breath away. Then he did it again, sending William into mind-spinning ecstasy. He gripped Garvin tighter, holding him with everything he had.
“Yeah,” William groaned when Garvin filled him completely, driving into him. He reached up to stroke himself, but Garvin batted his hand away and gripped William hard, sliding his hand up and down his length to the time of his thrusts. William arched his back, moaning softly as he tried to hold back the tide of passion building higher with each passing second. But the pressure and pleasure were too great, and he flew into his release, painting lines on his belly as Garvin drove deeply into him, pulsing to the beat of William’s pounding heart.
OVER THE next few days, William and Garvin developed a routine. In the mornings, while Garvin worked, William brought in wood, read, and watched things on his phone, with Sasha curled up on the sofa next to him. He was going to miss the dog, something he never thought would happen. By noon they often headed out on the snowmobile to the trading post for lunch. Afterward Garvin would finish his workday, and then the two of them were off.
Thursday afternoon it was cold as hell, but clear, so they bundled into Garvin’s Jeep and drove north up the Parks Highway for a little over an hour. “Where are we going?”
“You’ll see,” Garvin said with a grin. The sky was as blue as any William had ever seen, and mountains rose their craggy peaks, covered with snow broken up by black rock peeking through. It was all so ruggedly breathtaking.
William was so busy watching around them that he was surprised when Garvin slowed and pulled off. “This is the Alaska War Memorial.”
“We came to see that?” William asked.
Garvin chuckled. “Put your gear on and I’ll show you what we came for.”
William pulled on his hat and gloves and zipped his coat closed before opening the door. The cold greeted him with its ice tendrils trying to reach everywhere. Still, he got out and waited for Garvin and Sasha.
“Come on.” Garvin led the way through the snow to the memorial. “Now, turn around and look down the barrel of the cannon.”
William thought Garvin was crazy, but he did, and his mouth fell open. There, right in front of him, in all her glory, was Denali, covered in snow, wind blowing a cloud off the top.