“Never met a flavor I didn’t like.” They started down the sidewalk toward the Flowering Grove Creamery. “Did you know the owner of Heather’s Books ’N’ Treats married a rock star?”
“Really?” she asked.
“Yup. Her parents own the Barbecue Pit, and she’s married to one of the lead singers of Kirwan.”
“I had no idea. Do you like Kirwan?” she asked.
“I’m more of a country music fan, but they’re okay. My sister is a big fan.” He waggled his eyebrows and gave her shoulder a gentle push. “Let me guess. You think they’re dreamy, right?”
She laughed. “They’re good-looking, and I like their music.”
“Uh-huh,” he teased. “Right. It’s the music you like.”
She giggled as he held open the door to the ice cream parlor. Then they took their place in line.
The little shop was decorated in a 1950s theme with a black-and-white checkerboard tiled floor, red vinyl booths, chrome high-top tables, and red vinyl stools. Photos of ice cream sundaes, banana splits, and cones dotted the walls. The shop buzzed with conversations as people enjoyed their sweet treats.
Carter looked out the parlor’s windows to where Derek and Haven stood on the sidewalk talking to another couple. “Looks like Derek and Haven ran into someone they know.”
“Oh?” Darcy peered out toward the sidewalk. “I can’t see who it is from this angle.”
“Do you want to wait for them?”
Darcy shook her head. “Let’s get our ice cream, and they’ll catch up with us.”
They reached the counter, where she requested a pralines and cream cone and he ordered chocolate peanut butter. When they got to the cash register, she angled her body in front of him and pulled out her wallet.
“I got it,” he said.
“Nope.” She lifted her chin. “Consider this my official thank-you for rescuing me.”
He thanked her as she paid for the ice cream, and they started toward a booth in the back.
Carter sat on the red vinyl bench seat across from her. He took a lick of his ice cream and enjoyed the sweet taste. “I can’t remember the last time I was in here.”
“If I worked nearby, I would find an excuse to come here every day.” Her green eyes glittered. “Did you always want to stay in Flowering Grove?”
“Yeah.” He wiped his mouth with a paper napkin. “My sister settled down here, so it made sense to stay close by to family.”
Darcy seemed to study him over her ice cream cone, and he could almost hear the questions spinning through her mind.
“You look like you want to ask me something.”
“I don’t want to be rude.”
He laughed. “Go ahead. I’m sure you’re not rude.”
“You said your grandparents raised you and your sister after your mom passed away. Did you know your dad?”
“He left when I was four, and my mom, my sister, and I moved in with my grandparents.” He settled back in the booth.
Her expression was solemn. “I’m so sorry.” Then her eyes glimmered. “Are you in touch with your dad?”
He shook his head. She looked like she had more questions but ate her ice cream instead.
“Now it’s your turn. Tell me your life story, Darcy.”
She shrugged. “There’s not much to tell.”