I finally have him back.
I’ve been planning this for a long time, and the moment we step into the Georgia Aquarium, Ollie’s eyes brighten. Every time we come here together, we recreate how we met. And it’s my favorite part of this little adventure. I’m hoping he does it again when I prompt it, because this time I have a real purpose. He has no idea about the sapphire and diamond ring I have in my jeans pocket, and I had to forgo the box because it would’ve been too bulky and quite noticeable. If there’s one thing I’m doing right this time around, it's keeping this a surprise.
After an hour of looking around and taking selfies, we finally make it to the whale sharks. Ollie gives me a bright smile and holds my trembling hand, squeezing it lightly. His brows furrow as he looks at me, clearly confused as to why I’m shaking. But I take a deep breath and smile back my brightest smile, and he seems to relax.
I look into his eyes, love expanding my chest in a way that steals my breath away. This is what it’s all about—this feeling. It’s always been him, and it will always be him. “Your eyes are so blue.”
Ollie grins. “And yours are really green.”
“I can be Green if you’ll be Blue.” I brush my knuckles across his cheekbone. “My Blue.”
“I’ll always be your Blue.”
My mouth dries up, but I smile anyway. “For how long?”
My hands are shaking at this point, and Ollie looks at me, confused again. “Forever?”
I drop to one knee, holding onto his hands, and gaze up at him. Ollie gasps, his hands beginning to tremble now too. “Promise?” I ask, and I notice people staring, some taking out their phones to take a video. “Promise me forever? Be mine for the rest of our lives?”
“What are you asking me?” Ollie’s voice shakes, and he looks at me expectantly, daring me to say it.
I pull out the engagement ring from my pocket and hold it up between us. His eyes widen when he sees the sapphires and diamonds on the band, and then he looks at me, mouth agape.
“Ollie,” I say as my eyes begin to water, and I clear my throat. Except the knot doesn’t go away. “It’s always been you. From the time I was a little boy looking at whale sharks, and still to this day. And in ten years or twenty—even if you don’t want me—it will always still be you. You’re the love of my life, and I don’t want to do this without you. So please, I’m begging you to give me the chance to prove that we can do this. That I can give you what you deserve.” Tears stream down Ollie’s face and a lone one trails down my cheek. “Will you marry me, Blue?”
Ollie fishes for something in his pocket, face covered in tears and drops to one knee before me. “I don’t know, Hunt.” He holds a ring with green stones on it right next to the ring I’m holding. We look at them for a second, and then our eyes snap back up to each other’s. “You said everything I had in mind, so all I can say is that I’ll give you this chance. I’ll always give us a chance. Will you marry me?”
I begin to laugh because, of course, he would’ve planned this too. I nod with tears streaming down my face now. I don’t even care if I’m seen crying on national television or social media. All that matters is us, Hunt and Ollie, right now. Green and Blue. “Yes, baby.” My voice chokes. “I’ll marry you.”
We put the rings on each other’s fingers and then stare into each other’s eyes again. There’s so much love and trust in his. Is that what mine look like too? Can he see how much I love him? Can he feel that I’d literally give my life for his? Ollie cups my face and I cup his, and then our lips meet. It’s sweet and slow and perfect. We’re perfect—together.
When I pull away to see Ollie smiling at me—that’s when I know that forever is not long enough by his side.
No amount of time will ever be long enough.
Today is the day—our wedding day. Nothing could have ever prepared me for the way that my hands are trembling as I think of starting forever with my favorite person. It’s a mix of emotions, and I am somehow the happiest I’ve ever been and yet simultaneously so scared. We had both made decisions regarding the wedding, although Hunter wanted to keep the ceremony a surprise, refusing to let me make any decisions. In turn, I was in charge of the reception. It’s nice to think of him surprising me with something this important. The only thing I had to do was write my vows, which was possibly the hardest thing I’ve ever done.
Jamie comes into the grooms’ room and tells us that the ceremony is about to start, and my eyes immediately begin to sting. Hunter cups my face, his deep green eyes staring down at me with so much love. He kisses my forehead and grabs my hand tightly, directing me to the door leading us outside, where we will walk down the aisle.
Hunter and I decided to walk down the aisle together instead of him waiting for me at the end of it. It’s not traditional, though nothing about us has ever been either. Our love story started early on, and we have been inseparable ever since. We came to the conclusion that we have spent enough time apart, and we want to start the rest of our lives together in every sense of the word.
He pulls the door open and bright light assaults my eyes, making me squint. We have to go through a patio in order to the ceremony, and he squeezes my hand once. “Close your eyes, Ollie baby.” I grin and shake my head. “It’s not a surprise unless you close your eyes.”
I close my eyes and let him pull me to wherever he wants me to be. When we reach that place, he stops me with his hands on my shoulders, steadying me. His hands trail down my arms and toward my own hands until he laces his fingers with mine.
“Open your eyes,” Hunter says softly, and I do, focusing on his face.
He’s so handsome, and I decide to take him in one more time before walking down the aisle. His hair is styled, longer on top, and faded on the sides. And he looks incredible in a tux. I adjust his bowtie again before grabbing one of his hands and lacing our fingers together. Hunter leans in one more time and kisses me softly.
“Here’s to forever, Ollie.”
“Here’s to us,” I say softly.
I turn to the front, gasping as I take in my surroundings. The aisle flooring is stone, and on either side there are candles of various sizes leading down to the most beautiful green arch with white flowers on it. An officiant and Jamie, Dylan, and Connor are waiting for us at the end. There are seats on either side of the aisle, but it doesn’t seem to be divided by guests for each groom. Instead, everyone is mixed in. A giant oak tree provides shade to our guests, and white flowers are attached to tree branches, looking as if they’re raining down on us. It’s absolutely perfect. And he did this—for me.
Hunt squeezes my hand once as the violin version of Enchanted by Taylor Swift plays, signaling the start of the ceremony. Hand in hand, we walk slowly down the aisle. I glance around and see the faces of my family, friends, and Hunter’s friends from his team and college. My hands begin to shake the closer we get to the officiant, and he squeezes again in reassurance. My father sits in the front row, looking at us with a big smile on his face as we finally reach the front, turning to face each other. He goes for both my hands and holds them, waiting for the lady to speak.
“Welcome to the wedding of Hunter and Ollie,” the blonde woman says, and I instantly relax at my nickname. “We are here today to celebrate their love and the crazy love story they have had.”