“Aw,” Micah said, pouting as she followed him out of bed. “I thought we were banging in the new year.”
Fletcher turned on the shower, glancing over at her as she stripped the sheets off. His mermaid, always cleaning up after herself. Rolling his eyes, he walked back to the bedroom, scooped Micah up and carried her into the shower.
Almost two hours later, they were sitting on Micah’s back porch furniture, with their legs kicked up waiting for the fireworks. With her head tucked against his shoulder and body pressed firmly against his, he was happy and content and satisfied. All the wild sex aside, they’d had a pretty good day together, and this was the best way to end it all.
Emery had graced them with her presence for breakfast and they’d dropped her off at Nico’s house before going for a drive around Sirena Beach. Micah had made him stop at The Mermaid Mart, where they’d met one late night in the bread aisle, so she could pick up baking ingredients. Fletcher made sure to snag a bouquet of flowers as well, and when they got home, clothes came flying off. It had been a while since they had her entire house to themselves and usually when they wanted to fuck on every surface, they picked his place.
After the first few rounds of sex, Micah made a fluffy chocolate cake and licked icing off of him. She almost slathered some over his dick, but there was a line to what he would allow her to eat off his penis. Fruit roll-ups were the limit. They made lunch together—what started out as burritos turned into bowls instead—and ate in silence while soaking up each other’s company.
That was another thing he’d never done before, eat without some kind of noise or distraction. With Micah, he didn’t have to fill silences. They talked and laughed together, but they also found peace in the quiet moments together as well. However, when they were eating their cake, his girl got super excited about the things she had planned for the new year. Everything from new hobbies—she was going to finally learn how to surf and ride a bicycle—to the new methods she was going to implement at work to bring in more senior citizens who needed help. She even talked about holidays and things to do with Emery, while also including him in every plan.
They hadn’t really talked that deeply about the future, besides saying they were going to be together. He hadn’t asked about living arrangements, she hadn’t offered any either. But she was talking about trips to Disneyland with Emery and Fletcher, doing a wine country trip with the girls, skiing and snowboarding and attending Comic Con. And in every exciting thing she mentioned, she asked him what he thought about the place or if it excited him too. And truthfully? It did. Being able to be a part of Micah’s life was a big deal and he wasn’t taking it for granted.
So Disneyland, skiing and snowboarding and Comic Con as a family? Sign him up.
“More wine?” Micah’s soft words broke through his thoughts and he nodded, holding his glass out to her. She topped it up and filled hers before turning to him again. “What’s on your mind?”
“Besides me, obviously.”
He chuckled, pressing a kiss to her forehead as he tightened his arm around her shoulders. “Thank you for including me in all your plans for the new year.” He knew she was going to protest, so he shook his head before continuing, “I know we said we were going to be together, but I didn’t want to assume that meant we’d be doing all the things. I also know that this is a serious relationship and we’re meant to be together and all that other good stuff you’re going to tell me, but it still means a lot that you included me.”
She leaned back, resting her head against his arm with a small smile. “Why do all the words that have to do with two people choosing to be together sound so strange and childish? Relationship, boyfriend, girlfriend…it’s so weird.”
Only Micah would focus on that instead of what they were talking about. A smile tugged at his mouth as he shook his head, sipping on his wine.
“Can you imagine me going to Disneyland without adult supervision? I’d probably lose my head if it wasn’t attached to my body,” she said, still continuing with her joking tone. “But in all seriousness, I wanted to do these things with someone. With you. And sure, Emery and I can have a ball at Disney and skiing and snowboarding, but I want you to do it with us too.”
She clinked her glass against his and continued, “I didn’t believe in soulmates or fate or destiny or whatever people say in their vows and big declarations. But seeing you again, falling in love with you again and knowing that you are everything I didn’t know I was waiting for maybe changed my mind.”
“Did you say vows?”
“Oh my god, that’s not the important part of what I said.” Micah slapped his chest and Fletcher laughed. She sobered quickly, sitting up as she stared at him with wide eyes. “But is that what you want?”
“To recite vows? Yeah. Hell, I’ll do it right now.”
She put a hand over his mouth and shook her head, eyes glassy as she smiled. “Save it for the big day, Fletch.”
He gently tugged her hand down and arched an eyebrow. “The big day, Mick?”
“Yeah, when I walk down the aisle and say ‘I do’ and we’re surrounded by our friends and fam—” He leaned in and covered her mouth with his, cutting off the rest of her spiel. Her lips curled against his and he felt her arm wind around his neck as she kissed him back. Their tongues tangled and danced, his free hand sliding into her hair as he pulled her even closer.
The sound of fireworks bursting broke them apart and he watched as the pink, yellows and blues reflected over Micah’s face. She stroked his jaw with her thumb and said, “Does that mean you want the big day?”
“I want all the days with you, love bug.”
“All the days it is,” she whispered and kissed him again.
Epilogue. Micah.
How will everyone know I’m yours?
One Year Later | Sirena Beach, California
“Friends and family, I present to you,” Jack, of The Rescuers, announced, his voice filtering through the speakers set up around the spacious backyard, “Micah and Fletcher George-Kelley!”
Micah grinned as she and Fletcher stepped through the beaded curtain, presenting themselves to their closest friends and family. Everyone was on their feet, whistles going through the crowd, shouts and cheers. And then there was Emery, who was still so teary eyed, Micah wondered if her daughter would ever stop crying. Squeezing Fletcher’s hand, Micah shot her husband a wide grin and nodded towards Emery. He gave her a quick nod in return and they walked down the short stairs and wrapped Emery into a hug. Her unshed tears were suddenly streaming down her face, one arm coming around Micah’s neck as a loud sob exploded from her mouth.