Page 74 of Love Song, Take Two


Fucking perfect, love bug.

“Oh god.”

The heavy metal band in her head would not quit and Micah groaned as she turned onto her back, stretching an arm out. While the bed was empty, it was still slightly warm and a small smile floated over her lips at the memory of Fletcher being in bed with her. But then everything else about the night came flooding back and she groaned again.

Given that it was a Tuesday and they had work the next day, she had been surprised to get a text from Tatum about needing a drink. It was only when all three of them were seated at the Loose Lasso that they understood why Tatum needed them. Having spoken to Tatum about the whole Benji-Ambrose kerfuffle, Micah knew that her best friend would be struggling. But never in her wildest dreams did she think Benji would come back and make demands. They’d been divorced for three years and he was now asking for all the things they’d laid out in their settlement. And it had rightfully shaken Tatum up.

So they went drinking.

At first, Tatum was angry and knocking back tequila shots faster than was good for her. Then they switched to pitchers of margaritas, which wasn’t as smart as they thought at the time. Of course when men saw three gorgeous women out and about, having the time of their lives, they insisted on buying them drinks. None of them would ever turn down free alcohol, even if it was a bad idea.

So they continued drinking.

They went from tequila to margaritas to beers and then more tequila shots. With a small break to eat and line their stomachs. Then back to the margaritas. By which time the Loose Lasso staff had set up the mechanical bull riding competition. And nobody was going to stop the three of them from participating. However, they did not participate in throwing themselves into the arms of the hot cowboys—though Micah was certain Sadie was disappointed in their decision. The bull riding prompted multiple restroom visits after which they ate more food and then Micah called Fletcher.

Mostly prompted by Tatum and Sadie laughing about how he was her stallion.

Apparently drunk Micah was okay with their silly nicknames.

And Fletcher had shown up.

More than that, he’d helped her best friends into his truck, got them food and waited until they were all a little more steady and sober before driving them to her place. He tucked her friends into the guest bedroom and then helped her out of her clothes before wrapping her up in her bed. And he stayed the night, judging by the delicious scent of him still lingering on her sheets.

She grinned through her pounding hangover, right until her brain reminded her of the vague mumbling while they were eating burgers. Wincing, she turned over and buried her face in the pillow. When they were married, Geoffrey would give her so much shit for drinking with the girls and having a good time. On the rare occasions she’d call him for a pick-up after a night out, Geoffrey would show up begrudgingly and berate her the whole drive home—You’re a mother, you need to behave that way. What will Emery think when she finds out her mother’s a fucking lush? What is wrong with you, you can’t get drunk on a week night. Micah would sometimes fight back, but when you’re slurring through your rebuttal, it’s hard to really make a point.

So she obviously freaked out that Fletcher would feel the same way. In her drunken state, that was the only thing that made sense. Because she knew that she was really drunk and it wasn’t entirely the most attractive thing. Except, he hadn’t seemed to judge her and when she brought up her worries in the most vague way possible, he’d been confused. You trusted me to be there for you, that’s all that matters, was all he said, but it was the way he said it that made her realize she’d underestimated how wonderful Fletcher Kelley was.

After a few more minutes of silently grumbling at herself, she slid out of bed and found two Advil and a glass of water on her nightstand, along with a note that said ‘this goes in your mouth, love bug’. She popped the pills and on wobbly knees, walked to the bathroom, brushed her teeth and rinsed her face. Then with a big headband, she pushed her hair back. She grabbed the silk robe from behind her bathroom door and tugged it on over her camisole set before heading downstairs.

Apparently everyone else was already awake, judging by the laughing and talking and the delicious smells of breakfast food coming from her kitchen. Micah hugged herself, smiling as she hit the bottom step, attempting not to get too giddy over this development.

“I still can’t believe Mick’s dating Santa,” Sadie said loudly, drawing laughs from Emery and Tatum.

“For a few weeks a year. The rest of the time, I’m…”

“Fletch, former rockstar,” her daughter supplied and Micah snorted out a laugh as she stepped into the kitchen.

Her best friends looked fresh as daisies, perched on stools at the kitchen island. Emery was standing with Fletcher while he made breakfast. The sight of all her favorite people in one room made her heart swell.

“Morning,” she greeted them, wincing at the way the word grated on her throat.

“We were getting to know your stallion a little better,” Tatum said with a smirk and Emery shuddered. “And we’re still processing the fact that you’re dating Santa.”

Fletcher rolled his eyes playfully, shooting her a smile as he held out a mug. “They keep skipping past the fact that I’m also a regular guy.”

“With platinum albums and awards and a Santa hat to his name!”

Micah shot Sadie a smirk and then sidled closer to Fletcher as he flipped pancakes. Her friends had never liked Geoffrey and they’d never seen her be affectionate with him either. When it came to Fletcher, she liked being able to touch and hold him as much as possible. Pressing a kiss to his shoulder, she sighed softly and leaned against him as one arm came around her shoulder. “You feeling okay?”

“The Advil helped, thank you,” she whispered and then took a sip of her coffee.

“Have a seat, I’m almost done.”

She nodded and tipped her head back as he dropped his lips to hers for a quick kiss. Smiling against his mouth, she patted his stomach and sat down, inhaling the coffee deeply.

“I thought you three were past the point of black out drunk or whatever,” Emery said, slurping on her water loudly, making everyone groan.