There was something to be said for sitting in a book club with a bunch of septuagenarians as they read and discussed erotica. Even though she’d read the book and every sex scene, listening to Mrs. Hershey and her friends discuss penis size, shape and girth while gesturing to the few male members of the book club was weird as fuck. Especially when Fletcher became a target. It didn’t surprise her that he pretended to be innocent about what they were doing as they made him twirl in place slowly, stretch out his arms, spread his hands and legs—like he was some kind of doll for them to play with. She was incredibly glad that he hadn’t brought his Santa coat to rile them up further.
When he sat back down, Fletcher flashed her a wide grin and dusted off his shoulders.
Then there was the reading itself. She should have known that despite working tirelessly with the old woman, Mrs. Hershey would pretend like she couldn’t make sense of the words. She kept batting her eyes at Fletcher and Micah, hoping one of them would save her. The more they ignored her, the more she tried until finally the woman who organized the book club cast her as the heroine and Fletcher as Santa. Which made her boyfriend lose his mind.
It also made Micah lose hers, because the more they read together, the more her clit throbbed with need. Halfway through one particularly naughty scene—Santa was licking a candy cane that he intended to use on the heroine later—Micah crossed one leg over the other to stave off the aching between her thighs. The action made her dress part at the slit, giving Fletcher an eyeful of her bare thigh. Before she could straighten out her dress, he dropped a large hand on her leg and squeezed. With every cock and pussy and thrust they read out, her body responded to Fletcher’s touch. And she knew that if they weren’t surrounded by those people, he would have taken her right there without a second thought.
“With his cock buried deep inside me, I knew that there would never be anything more I needed in life. Santa and his candy cane were all I would ever want,” Micah forced out, feeling hot all over. She slammed the book shut and the book club cheered, everyone praising them for their reading skills. Fletcher’s hand flexed on her bare thigh and Micah swallowed back a moan before gently nudging his hand away.
“Oh, sweetheart, you were so wonderful.” Mrs. Hershey shuffled over, hands stretched out. “You two should consider getting into reading those audiobooks. With voices like that, I bet you’d have all the listeners reaching for their battery operated devices.”
A choked laugh escaped Fletcher and Micah shook her head, feeling the heat rush through her whole body as she gave Mrs. Hershey a hug. “I’m really proud of you too. You read that whole chapter without any hesitation.”
“You taught me well. But, I was hoping that I could keep coming back in the new year?”
Micah smiled and nodded, squeezing Mrs. Hershey’s hands. “Of course. Make sure you bring your next book club read too.”
After another round of quick hugs, Mrs. Hershey hurried back to her friends and Micah sank into Fletcher’s embrace. While she was still very turned on, she was finally able to stand steadily, even if she was leaning into Fletcher like she couldn’t.
“In case you were wondering, I’m open to dirty voicemails of that nature in the future.”
“You’ll be lucky if you get anything at all from me in the future,” she shot back with a laugh.
He smirked and wiggled his eyebrows. “At least I know you had a good time while it lasted.”
Shaking her head, Micah smoothed down her dress and pushed back her shoulders. No, she loved how easily he turned her on. The potent combination of Fletcher and the erotica had gotten her so hot and bothered, it was a miracle she’d gotten through reading all of the scenes they kept assigning to her. He reached for her again and Micah didn’t even protest, she let him sweep her into his arms while surrounded by books.
“Does this mean you want to go home and—” he dropped his voice to a whisper, lips brushing along her jaw “—have my candy cane buried inside you, right where I’m meant to be?”
“Fletch,” she moaned, smacking his chest as she turned her head to catch his mouth in a kiss. His hand drifted down to her ass and pulled her against him. Arching into him, she gripped his hair in one hand and let him hitch one of her legs up around his waist. But then reality set in and Micah gasped as she pulled away, steadying herself against him as she dropped her foot to the floor.
“You’re the worst.” She laughed and brushed her hair back, shaking her head. “Stop seducing me.”
“You started it, with this erotic book club and that dress and that reading and by existing.” She growled and Fletcher’s lips kicked up into a smirk. “That sound too, love bug. Gets me going.”
Huffing out a breath, she held a hand up to stop him from getting closer. “We’re going to dinner like people who can control themselves. And after…we’ll see how I’m feeling.”
“I’ll show you how I’m feeling,” he said, taking a step towards her, but they were interrupted by one of the book club biddies.
“Are both of you attempting to create your own little erotica in the stacks?”
“We were trying to find our way out, actually,” Micah said, shooting Fletcher a glare.
“Of course you were, darling. Come on, I’ll show you out through these very complicated stacks.” The old lady flashed them both a smile and winked at Fletcher before leading the way to the front and out of the bookstore. “We hope to see you both next time too!”
They rushed out to Fletcher’s truck and the whole way to the restaurant, they were cracking up because this kind of thing would only happen to them.
The Italian restaurant Fletcher had picked was a lot fancier than the places Micah usually went, so she was glad she’d put effort into her clothes for the evening. Even if her stallion was dressed like a rockstar, looking completely out of place in his dark jeans, black shirt and scuffed boots. He’d handed over his jacket and her coat as they walked in, but he still looked so good.
The table they were seated at was tucked away from the rest of the crowd and despite looking small, seemed to hold all of the food they kept ordering. But it was also the perfect size for them to lean in and steal kisses every now and then, for her legs to be tucked between his under the table. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been on a date that she was excited about. He was really changing things in all the best ways.
Much like the night they shared in his hotel room years ago, they had made their way through every dish that was brought over. They talked about making plans with her friends, maybe flying out to see his bandmates in the new year and the conversation moved to music that they were listening to. It fascinated her that for two people who loved music and spent so much time together, they hadn’t once discussed their current musical tastes. So to hear Fletcher admit that he was an Adele fan was a treat for Micah.
Then he brought up Emery and what the future looked like with her, which made Micah’s heart soar. This man loved her kid completely and was willing to do whatever it took to make her happy. For that, Micah would forever be grateful.
“Speaking of, there’s something I want to ask you,” Fletcher said as she bit into an arancini ball. She nodded, hand over her mouth as she watched him cautiously. “You’re sure, right?”
“About what?”