Page 43 of Love Song, Take Two

“I’ll keep that in mind when I come back.”

“Two days,” she reminded him, then nudged him. “Now go. Do whatever it is rockstars do when they’re not harassing old ladies.”

Fletcher laughed and dropped a kiss to the top of Flora’s head before stepping away. He caught the edge of her mouth curling into a smile, but didn’t say anything. With his phone in hand, he walked out of Flora’s house, with the hopes of seeing Micah.


I remember someone saying they’d be with me…


That someone was clearly misguided.

Because she’s booked back-to-back sessions and is hiding in the restroom to get a break.


Well, that won’t do.

Do you need a rescue?


I wish. *sad face emoji*

I know you’re busy this evening, and while I haven’t asked and am very curious, I might have some time after dinner?


I might be able to swing that.


I promise that I’ll get better at making time for us.

His heart stuttered at Micah’s use of the word us, because that’s what he was hoping they would be. An us, a we…Micah and Fletcher, together. It was silly to get his hopes up and wish for these things so early, but the way he felt about her made him want all of that so badly.


You’ve got an important job, Mick. Don’t apologize.


And a very needy teenager.


I happen to like said teenager, so don’t shit on her.


Oh god, is this what it’s going to be like? The two of you ganging up on me?



And I like the sound of that, actually.